Does this guy just scream “Philadelphia”, or what?
It’s 1994 all over again.
Borders – born as a used bookstore in Michigan 40 years ago and long seen as the less idiotic of the large chains – filed its long-expected bankruptcy yesterday. The global reaching retail chain that helped define the age of the book superstore leaves empty malls, airport terminals and a struggling book industry wondering what indignity will follow. Borders will close hundreds of its stores in the next few week, unceremoniously sending its employees the unemployment line. Also worried are book publishers – who are getting burned to the tune of millions owed to them by the bereft chain – and mall owners, whose shopping centers are anchored by Borders’s superstores. Yes, there are still malls and shopping centers anchored by Borders. Barnes and Noble could come out smelling like a rose. But it’s not likely. The biggest threat to Barnes & Noble is the same threat that exists to independent book sellers and to anyone engaged in the sale of printed books, the Internet.
Remember in the early 1990s, when independent bookstores were closing all over the country as Borders and Barnes & Nobles moved in with their super low prices and coffee couches? When the chain bookstores were seen as great predators gobbling up local booksellers? And then Megastores like Walmart and Costco started selling bestsellers, so that neighborhood bookstores were weathering threats from all sides? Then came the internet and Amazon and most of them had to shutter their doors? The number of independent bookstores has been declining for some time, but creepily, the sales of books themselves are declining for everyone. Besides the obvious fact that people are quantifiably dumber than ever (I can count on 1 hand people I know who consider reading a habit up there with their Zumba classes or marathon running, their Thursday night gathering at some stupid bar).

And, entire categories of books, like reference books and travel books are just passe junk, now that all that information is available instantly and for free on the Internet. Now that everything is dominated by Amazon, the big chains are kaput, too.
Here’s hoping that someday the Kindle will be the new Betamax.
Here is a woefully incomplete list of bookstore casualties of the past few years:

RIP Borders, East Kensington, London 2000 - 2009
[RIP Collection Connection 2004″]
RIP Borders, East Kensington, London 2000 - 2009

RIP Wahrenbrock's Book House 1935 - 2009

RIP Borders Miami, FL 2002 - 2010

Rodney's Bookstore, Cambridge 2005 - 2010

RIP Twelfth Street Books, Greenwich Village, NY. 1998 - 2008

Borders, Oxford, UK 2010

RIP Brownstone Books Bedford Stuyvesant, NY 2010

RIP Cummins Books, Dinkytown, MN 1996 - 2010

RIP Paige Turner Books Chicago, IL 2004 - 2010

RIP PQ Olsson's, Penn Quarter, DC 1972 - 2008

RIP Biermaier Books, Minn, MN 1950 - 2010

RIP 21st Century Bookstore., Fairfield, Iowa 2004 – 2010

RIP Borders, West London, UK 2000 - 2009

RIP David Mirvish Books on Art Toronto, BC 1978 - 2009

RIP Ivy's Books. NYC 1998 - 2009

RIP Heritage Book Shop 1963 - 2007

RIP Bertrand Smith's Acres of Books, Long Beach, CA. 1934 - 2008

RIP Kim's Bookshop Chichester, West Sussex, UK 2004 - 2010

Crossroads Infoshop & Radical Bookstore

RIP Waldenbooks. Dallas, TX 2009

RIP Waldenbooks, Berlin, Vermont 2007

RIP Amnesty Books .Cambridge, UK

RIP Borders, Kensington, UK 1999 - 2009

RIP Jay's Books. Pittsburgh, PA. 1959 - 2010

RIP Borders, Glasgow Scotland 1998 - 2009

RIP Know Bookstore, Durham, NC 1991 - 2009

RIP Big Money Comics. Washington, DC 2009

RIP ABC Book & Comic Emporium 2007

RIP The Granville Book Company, Vancouver 1988 -2008

RIP A Likely Story. Alexandria, VA. 1987 - 2007

RIP Borders. London, UK 200 - 2009

RIP Libreria Martinez, Santa Ana, CA 1995 - 2008

RIP B. Dalton. Columbia Mall, 2007

RIP Book & Brier Patch Regina, SK 1977 - 2010

RIP Forever After Books SF, CA 2009

RIP Murder One, Charing Cross Rd, UK 2009

RIP Jonathan Benton Books. Birmingham, AL 1993 - 2009

RIP Dutton's Brentwoow Books 1984 - 2008

RIP Bookstop. Austin, TX 2006 - 2008

RIP Hughes and Hughes Dun Laoghaire, Ireland 2010

RIP Librairie De France, NYC 1935 - 2009

RIP Barne & Noble, Chelsea, NYC 1994 - 2008

RIP Intellectual Property Books, Austin, TX 2009

RIP Walden Books, Hickory Hollow Mall, 2009

RIP Christian Bookshop, Leytonstone, UK 2009

RIP Park Slope Books, Brooklyn 2008

RIP Waterstones, Oxfard St, UK 1999 - 2008

RIP Cody's Books 2009

RIP This Aint The Rosedale Library, UK 1986 - 2010

RIP Brent's Books. Vancouver, BC 1995 - 2006

RIP Borders, Cedarhurst, NY 1978 - 2009

RIP Brentanos, Paris. 1895 - 2009

RIP Paragraphe Bookstore. Montreal, 2008

RIP Maple Street Book Shop, New Orleans. 1988 - 2010

RIP Neighbors Bookstores. Lake Tahoe, Nevada, 2008

RIp Barnes & Noble, Lincoln Center 1995 - 2010

RIP Dragon's Horde Books. Danville, IL. 1983 - 2009

RIP Murder One, UK. 1998 - 2009

RIP Shaman Drum Bookshop, Ann Arbor, MI 1980 - 2010

RIP Walden Books, Valley View, Dallas. 2009

RIP Clovis Books, Williamsburg, Brooklyn 2006

RIP Trover Shop, Capitol Hill. 1959 - 2009

RIP Elephant Books, Barcelona. 2002 - 2008

RIP Borders, Westminster. 2009

RIP Shipley Books, London. 1983 - 2008

RIP Black Oak Books. Berkley, CA. 1989 - 2009

RIP Nicola's Bookstore, Brussels. 2009

RIP Boders, UK 2009

RIP Borders, Oxford. 1999 - 2009

RIP Conkey's, Appleton WI. 1897 - 2009

RIP Ballenford Books, Toronto 1986 - 2008

RIP Aida's University Book Exchange, San Luis Obispo

RIP Coliseum Books, NYC 1974 - 2007

RIP Books, Etc. Entire chain, UK 1981 - 2009

RIP Henry Bohn Books, Liverpool. - 2009

RIP Murder Ink, NYC. 1973 - 2007

RIP Borders, Glasgow. 1999 - 2009

RIP Gotham Book Mart, NYC. 1920 - 2007

RIP The Book Room, Halifax. Canada's oldest bookstore. 1839 - 2008

RIP Quinlan Keep Comics, Columbia, MI 2005 - 2007

RIP Morningside Bookshop, NYC 2009

RIP Borders, Newport, CA 2010

RIP Franz Bader Bookstore, NYC. 1953 - 2007

RIP Chapter Two Books Trenholme, Columbia

RIP Barnes & Noble, Harrisburg, PA Never opened - 2008

RIP Borders, Leeds, UK 1999 - 2009

RIP Mystery Loves Company, Oxford, MD. 1991 - 2008

RIP Pages Books, Toronto. 1979 - 2009

RIP Mill Run Booksellers. Milford, PA. 1989 - 2009

RIP The Blue Door. San Diego, CA. 1961 - 2008

RIP unknown Christian Bookstore 2009

RIP Micawber Books. Princeton, NJ. 1981 - 2007

RIP Stacey

RIP Hodge-Podge Books Albany, NY 1982 - 2009

RIP Borders, East London 1999 - 2009

RIP TYPE. Danforth, Toronto 2008 - 2009

RIP Skyline Books, NYC 1990 - 2009

RIP Lambda Rising, DC. 1974 - 2010

RIP Kate

RIP Double Hook Book Shop. Westmont, BC 1974 - 2006

RIP Borders, Bournemouth Square. 2000 - 2009

RIP B. Dalton, Laredo Texas' only bookstore. 2009

RIP Buchhandlung Bookshop, Quedlinburg, Germany 2010

RIP River City Books. Northfield, MN 2002 - 2009

RIP Charlesbank Books. Belmont, Mass, 1994 - 2008

RIP The Mystery Company, Carmel, IN 2003 - 2010

RIP Buck-A-Book Stores Boston, Quincy, Saugus, Bourne 2006

RIP Books For Less, Columbia Mall, SC 2009

RIP Amazon Bookstore Cooperative. 1970 - 2008

RIP The Bookbridge, Lincoln NB 200 - 2007

RIP Point Defiance Books. Tacoma, WA 2009

RIP Borders, London, UK 2009

RIP Ruminator Books, St. Paul, MN 1970 - 2004

RIP Books, Etc. London 2009

RIP WHSmith London 2009

RIP B. Dalton, Jersey City. The city's only bookstore. 2010

RIP Pirie & Cavender Bookshop, Kent. 1949 - 2008

RIP Borders, La Cienega, LA. 2010

RIP A Different Light, W Hollywood, CA. 1979 - 2009

RIP Now & Then Books, Kitchener, BC 1971 - 2007

RIP Libreria Hernandez Bookstore, Madrid. 1852 - 2010

RIP Borders, Llantrisant, Wales 2002 - 2009

RIP Valley Books, Amherst, MA. 1975 - 2009

RIP Last Books, UK 2009

RIP Schwartz Bookshop, Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee 1974 - 2009

RIP Hughes & Hughes. Dun Laoghaire, Dublin. 2010

RIP Midnight Special Books. Venice, CA. 1970 - 2010

RIP Borders, Silverlink, UK 1998 - 2009

RIP Borders, UK 2009

RIP Oscar Wilde Book Shop, NYC 1967 - 2009

RIP Ben Franklin Bookshop. Nyack, NY 1980 - 2010

RIP Kaydee Bookshop, Clitheroe, UK. 1950 - 2010

RIP Robin's, Philadelphia. 1936 - 2008

RIP Borders, Third St Promenade, Santa Monica, CA. 2009

RIP Bailey/Coy Books, Seattle, WA. 1983 - 2009

RIP MIllions, Charing Cross Road, London. 2009

RIP Siop Lyfrau Blanenau, Wales. 2006

RIP Abraxus Books. Ballard, WA. 2009

RIP Borders, Kingston 2009

RIP Prairie Avenue Bookshop, Chicago. 1974 - 2009

RIP Asahiya Bookstore, NYC 1993 - 2009

RIP M Coy Books. Seattle, WA 1991 - 2009

RIP McNally Robinson, Winnipeg and Toronto locations 1981 - 2009

The Right Way Family Bookstore, Orange City, FL 1985 - 2010

RIP Harry Schwartz Bookshop, Shorewood, Milwaukee 1972 - 2010

RIP Charlesbank Bookshops. Boston, MA. 2010

RIP Borders, Staffordshire, UK 1999 - 2009

RIP Robbs Hexham, UK 2010

RIP Paxon Christian Books

RIP Borders, Kingston, UK. 1999 - 2008

RIP Libreria Lectorum, NYC 1963 - 2007

RIP Barnes & Noble, Chelsea, NY. 1993 - 2008

RIP Paperbacks Plus. Riverdale, Bronx, NY 1968 - 2006

RIP The Couth Buzzard, Seattle. 1998 - 2008

RIP The Finchley Bookshop, Ballard's Lane. 2007

RIP Spenser's Mystery Bookshop 1984 - 2004

RIP Anchor Room Christian Books. Fort Wayne, IND. 1969 - 2009

RIP Sofiankatu Bookshop, Helsinki 2009

RIP Equator Books, Venice, CA. 2005 - 2010

RIP Waterstones, Peterborough, UK 2009

RIP Schwartz Bookshop. Downer Ave, Milwaukee 1972 - 2009

RIP Cook's Library Bookstore, Los Angeles 1989 - 2009

RIP unknown New Age bookstore in Fort Green, Bklyn 2009

RIP Vertigo Books, Baltimore, MD 1992 - 2009

RIP Borders, Costa Mesa. 2000 -2009

RIP Crossroads Christian bookstore. Mobile, Ala. 2001 - 2009

RIP Lighthouse Long Beach, CA. 1945 - 2009

RIP Cheesecake and Crime, Henderson, NV 2009

The Bookstore on West 25th. Cleveland, OH. 1979 - 2009

RIP Morningside Bookshop. Morningside Heights, NY 2009

RIP Epilogue Books. Ballard, WA 2009

RIP Babylon Falling, SF 2007 - 2009

RIP BW Bookshop, Eallng Broadway 2007

RIP Librairie Paris Et Son Patrimonte, Paris. 2009

RIP Stockbridge Bookshop, Endinburg 2007

RIP Dillions, London. 2009

RIP The Fertile Mind. Belfast, Maine. 1980 - 2010

RIP Duttons, North Hollywood, CA 1961 - 2006

RIP Caliope, Washington Heights, NY 1997 - 2009

RIP Beinkinstadt Jewish Book Store. Cape Town. 1903 - 2009

RIP Borders, Stockport, UK 2009

RIP Bury Book Shop, St Edmunds, UK 2007

RIP Dutton's Books, Brentwood CA. 1984 - 2008

RIP Leon's Book Store, San Luis Obispo 1969 - 2008

RIP Lenox Hill Bookstore, NYC 1995 - 2006

RIP Borders, High Street, London. 1999 - 2009

RIP Logos Christian Books. Richmond, VA. 1972 - 2009

RIP Candida's World of Books, DC 2008

RIP Mitchell Family Books. Hamilton, Toronto. 1934 - 2008

RIP Borders Express. Pembroke Pines 2009

RIP Bodhi Tree Bookstore, Los Angeles 1970 - 2010

RIP Berean Christian Bookstore, Cincinatti, OH 1937 - 2007

RIP Duthie's Books, Vancouver, BC 1958 - 2010

RIP Olsson's Books, Washington, DC. 1972 - 2008

RIP Yankee Paperback Exchange. Montpelier, VT 1980 - 2008

RIP Creatures 'n Crooks, Richmond, VA. 1999 - 2009

RIP Das Buch, Montreal QUE. 1993 - 2010

RIP Borders, Buchanon Street, Glasgow. 2009

RIP SSG Bookshops, Scotland 2008

RIP Waldenbooks Hazelton, PA 1990 - 2010

RIP Secondhand Pages, Maricopa, AZ 2007 - 2009

RIP J. O'Donoghue Books Anoka, MN 1970 - 2010

RIP Joseph-Beth Booksellers Cleveland, OH 2010

RIP With a Pipe and Book. Lake Placid, 1980 - 2006

RIP Open Book Co-op, Milwaukee 2008 - 2009

RIP Milestone Books, Birmingham, Alabama 2004 - 2010

RIP Odyssey Bookshop. Novato, CA. 1995 - 2006

RIP Unique Books, Bayonne NJ 2003 - 2010

RIP DARE Books. Fort Green, Brooklyn 1987 - 2004

RIP Drake's Erotic Emporium. 1985 - 2009

RIP The Book Worm, Delhi, India 1977 - 2008

RIP Adventures For Kids. Ventura, CA 2006 - 2008

RIP Christian Science Reading Room, Olympia, WA
RIP Amicus Books. Marysville, CA 2006 - 2010