I have really slacked off updating this blog. It’s not that  haven’t been reading, I have. In September I sentenced myself to 6 months of self-imposed poverty. I’ve been reading about poverty. I have suffered through; the Catholic orders run Industrial Schools in post-independence conservative Catholic Ireland; the Magdalen asylum; Britain’s child migrant scandal; the impact of political factionalism and economic exploitation in Appalachia; the 1854 Orphan Train; the New York Labor Movement targeting the end of child labor in cigar making in New York City tenements, and the story of how the SPCA saved a teensy girl named Mary Ellen Wilson, whose horrific plight led to the founding of The New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. Next up, the Irish Potato Famine.

this piece of loveliness was sent to me by @OBrennaO


About kara

We know our letters just fine, and we know our numbers to a certain point, but books were always the realm of four-eyed poindexters with bowler hats and cravats. That’s why it pleases us so that America’s proud illiterates are finally stepping up and pushing back against the crushing tide of education that threatens to swallow us all into its gaping maw of checked facts. Champions of the Ignorantiat will not like it here.
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