From the category archives:

War on Christmas

Season’s Bleatings

by kara on August 30, 2014

Yup, well, if wingnut Christians do anything particularly well it’s persecution fantasies and this obviously well made, not at all cheap bullshit film will be yet another (after “Persecuted”) giant christomasturbation fest. I guess the upshot is if you live in the South and Southwest (no doubt the only regions this film is playing in, […]

We have always been at war with Christmas

by kara on December 23, 2013

The time has arrived, as it does every year, for America to be besieged by that familiar and insidious enemy: Christmas. Krisss-miiissss. Begun, the Christmas Wars, have. Around the nativity scene, a perimeter, create! We have endured its tyranny for 2,000 years, with its manger scenes, its mall Santas’ bearded occupation of Sears stores nationwide. […]

The Whores on Christmas

by kara on December 15, 2013

“I WILL KEEP AN EYE ON THE SITUATION,” Bill O’Reilly promised his beleaguered fans, kicking off his annual focus on The Great War, a beloved and revered holiday tradition on the scale of Black Friday, an overwrought spectacle lamenting the supposed “secular-progressive” conspiracy to end Christmas. The War on Christmas was not spurred by any one event […]