Yup, well, if wingnut Christians do anything particularly well it’s persecution fantasies and this obviously well made, not at all cheap bullshit film will be yet another (after “Persecuted”) giant christomasturbation fest. I guess the upshot is if you live in the South and Southwest (no doubt the only regions this film is playing in, oh and Kansas and maybe Chino Hills, CA), your ultra self-satisfied holier than thou asshole neighbors, fellow employees and relatives might disappear for a couple of hours. It’ll be like every normal thinking persons fantasy: The Rapture!
Now, Kirk Cameron’s movie’s not a documentary, but rather a “comedic narrative” that walks a typical Joe Eggnog through a careful debunking of the lies spread by mean-spirited secularists. According to Mr. Cameron:
“It’s a scripted story about a guy named Christian White who represents the typical white Christian male and he’s got a bad case of religious bah humbugs,” Cameron said. “He is just deflating his wife’s entire Christmas party because he has come to believe that everything we’re doing at Christmas to celebrate is wrong.”
Don’t you love that the “script” “writers” thought that it would be a good idea to give the character the name “Christian White” — as if the “actor” playing it wouldn’t make it clear — and then that Cameron thought maybe he’d better explain it, in case the audience doesn’t get it (which is probably a valid assumption). A white Christian male, because this character really speaks to so many of us out here. Should make for a good climactic scene when he finally confronts the movie’s antagonist, a shadowy figure named Muslin Brown. Maybe with help from his buddy, Token Blackfriend.
Of course, Kirk Cameron will not accept payment for this film as that would be crass commercialism of Christmas (NOT a fact).