And, in the final hours before the world descended into yet another world war with tensions mounting between East and West and West and Middle East, the world was distracted by pictures of naked celebrities.
We’re officially fucked. This story is going to run and run and serve as a nice distraction from what’s been am abjectly news cycle. I think this is the final part of the World War 3 jigsaw puzzle. We’ve had an economic crisis, a rise in nationalism and xenophobia and increased extremism, we’ve had the wrong kind of non-interventionist policies mixed with the wrong kind of interventionist policies, you know we have the powers that be keeping one eye on the ever dwindling resources, and this morning another American journalist was beheaded by a lunatic in a mask with a sword. There have been periods of stability and instability throughout human history. Economic factors have played a role in causing instability e.g. the Great Depression leading to WWII and the Oil Crisis leading to conflicts in the Middle East. There’s also been a level of instability following periods of excess (the Weimer Republic and the fall of Rome). There are better times to have your little window of existence than others. I’d prefer to be alive now than say during the Black Death but equally it might have been great being alive during the Age of Enlightenment when things were on the up and up. We now have to face up to all sorts of horrible shit like climate change and very possibly another great conflict. In the lottery of human history we cannot complain too much (says I typing on a computer, using the Internet), and now we have a public distracted by tits. Sorry, America, I really don’t care that much.
But to add a little practical suggestion to my apathy about celebrities and their invasion of privacy:
Personally, the advantages of the Cloud always seemed to be outweighed by the risks for any sensitive material. I mean, how often does one need to access one’s own nude pics remotely, on different devices? By all means use it for boring work stuff, but if I had a body anyone was interested in looking at, I’d back it all up at home on a hard drive. This whole silly mess may at least provide a timely reminder of the risk of taking a compromising photo of oneself and then storing and/it communicating it to a third party. This little nugget should help parents explain to their teenagers (was the figure something like 75% who have sent naked pictures of themselves?) about the dangers of sending naked pictures to your partners and ex-partners. At this rate there’s only about 25% of future generations who are not a risk of being blackmailed. Either that points to an ever decreasing pool of competent leaders or a much higher bar for “moral outrage”.
“Reportedly stolen from the Cloud.”Define “deleted”. Everyone who watches true crime shows knows that the delete button does not delete anything, it merely hides it from view, with the ability to be later “undeleted”. There are programs which overwrite the data making “undeletion” impossible, but how many people use these?
“Mary Elizabeth Winstead, another victim, apparently claims that the pics of her circulating in this heist were taken by her husband some years ago and “deleted”.
Methinks, Mary, that not everyone deleted them.”