From the monthly archives:

August 2014

Season’s Bleatings

by kara on August 30, 2014

Yup, well, if wingnut Christians do anything particularly well it’s persecution fantasies and this obviously well made, not at all cheap bullshit film will be yet another (after “Persecuted”) giant christomasturbation fest. I guess the upshot is if you live in the South and Southwest (no doubt the only regions this film is playing in, […]

Happy Horses Time!

by kara on August 29, 2014

at Compton Jr Posse. Yeehaw!

Just say NO to CLEAR EYES

by kara on August 29, 2014

This shitty summer’s events have really revealed with nauseating clarity the ugly secrets of the little people behind the curtain. They’re terrified of black people. I mean, wee always  kind knew that. The whole “second amendment” thing was kind of a dead giveaway. But they never came out and said that. But now when  former Nixon […]

Aug. 28, 2014 2:34 pm By Thom Hartmann … If you want to know what libertarianism is all about, don’t ask a libertarian, because most of them don’t know. A new poll from Pew Research found that only 11% of those surveyed who identified themselves as libertarian were correctly able to identify the very basic meaning […]

Charles Vacca, 39, died Monday at a hospital, and a cute 9-year old girl’s life is irreparably damaged, after the girl accidentally shot Mr. Vacca, her shooting instructor, in the head with an Uzi at an Arizona shooting range. The girl’s loving parents knew that you can never start too soon when it comes to […]

Teen Sleuth

by kara on August 19, 2014

Out of all that argle-bargle about what happened, I have ascertained the following: Michael Brown, high on pot and rap lyrics, was bum rushing the police officer while simultaneously going for his gun, AFTER being shot five times. Assuming that Officer Wilson is right handed (like 85% of human race), then his firearm would be […]

by kara on August 18, 2014

Racists: Well, he was shot 6 times because he robbed a convenience store. Reality Check: We don’t know that. Racists: Well, he got shot because he charged the cop. Reality Check: With what weapon? Racists: Well, he was killed because he had pot in his system. Reality Check: Because everybody knows marijuana makes you so […]

No, not THAT incident Report.

by kara on August 15, 2014

The Ferguson Incident Report, (no, not the shooting incident report), written four days after Michael Brown was killed, definitely identifies Brown as the suspect, but he was conveniently dead by then.   Am I reading this thing right? Are they claiming that the time stamp on the tape says the incident took place between 11:52:58 and […]

by kara on August 9, 2014

Simon Chung, 1976 – 2014 simonchungsilentartauction

by kara on August 4, 2014

For Jesus said unto the huddled, gathered masses: “Fuck those little children, for they are from the wrong country. And if your fellow man should try to help them remain in these United States, the Greatest Country Ever, take thee to the legislature and ensure it is almost impossible for them to do so. The […]