Out of all that argle-bargle about what happened, I have ascertained the following:
Michael Brown, high on pot and rap lyrics, was bum rushing the police officer while simultaneously going for his gun, AFTER being shot five times.
Assuming that Officer Wilson is right handed (like 85% of human race), then his firearm would be holstered on theĀ RIGHT side of his body. Which would mean Michael Brown would have to reach through the vehicles window andĀ ACROSS the police officers body to grab it. Sounds about as likely as a mob informant committing suicide by shooting himself twice in the back of the head. But then again, you should see the talents of Mexican drug cartel informants, they can simultaneously hang themselves and set themselves on fire! Speaking of Mexican cartels, the Ferguson police left Michael laying in the street – sans covering -all day to send the message “you’re next” to the rest of the community.
And the shell casings? AS IF. That’s as if the Ferguson police would have collected and submit spent casings as evidence. All that got collected was thrown in the Mississippi river 8 days ago. When asked about the whereabouts of said evidence, Ferguson Chief of Police plans to blame locals for interfering in the investigation and arrest Mike Brown’s family for tampering with evidence. Justice served!