How Many Days Until Highly Anticipated Rick Santorum Gay Scandal?

by kara on November 21, 2011

I had a friend once whose father was a bigot, who – although never having to come into contact with homosexuals – aggressively abhorred the gays. When I met him for the first time, I realized why. He was gay. At least he seemed as such. Flaming, even. He was macho, Grecian haired, a closet case hiding behind his so-called “religion”, you know, evangelicalism (to be fair, he also hated illegal immigrants, although a successful produce tycoon in California, whose children were not the ones out there pickin’ his tomaters*). Anyway, NO one who hates gays and spend so much time of his/her brief life on earth hating gays is not gay him/her self. Some day it will scientifically proven as such.

How many days until Rick Santorum is outed in some horrific/delightful scandal involving a dude, meth, a dude and meth, or worse? If I can figure out how to turn on the comments on this blog,please give me your best guess.

*Hypocrisy, the foundation of the evangelical.

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