My friend Marmel texted me this morning that Scott Walker is “not just anti-union, he’s a fundamentalist TOOL! The more you know”. Sure ’nuff, Evangelicals Choose Walker! The good Governor – son of a Baptist preacher – has pontificated about his “walk to Christ,” and his belief in the need to “trust and obey” the Lord. I knew there was something behind this guy’s simpering, expressionless visage, his stoic, relentless determinism, that was more than just filthy Koch dollars. Now I know it’s just Jeebus! Walkers is the same brand of evangelical “spirituality” that shaped George W’s dry-drunkedness – the one that led him to wage war and “stay the course” in Afghanistan and Iraq for ten fucking years. Obeying Christ’s plan is the only option, and once you know his plan, you stay the course. Doubt or introspection opens the door to failure. It was the same quality that made W so insufferable, with his intractable bullshit and his narrow eyes. In this cracked theological universe, stubbornness is a virtue. You must be unwavering, anything else, any attempts at compromise are the Devil’s work. Anything that helps God’s plan along is ethically justifiable. It makes sense, then, that while the Roman Catholic Church, and mainline pastors, including Lutherans, Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, Congregationalists, and American Baptists have written letters supporting collective bargaining, and given sermons encouraging public employees in their resistance to the governor’s plan to break their unions, Walker has remained slack jawed and unmoved. His doughy skull hangs there, his eyes fixed and on the prize.
Scott Walker is not a man of God, he’s a con-man, whose highest ethic is to serve himself. Besides his aneurism-inducing hate-froth about unions, the Jeebus lovin’ Gov ordered his thieving Kochtards to hit the United Website website with a cyber attack, ran “fake Democrats”, and – merry Christmas, unemployeds! – shelled out $60,000 for iPads for every idiot on his staff. But hold on, don’t call him un-Christlike! The corporate tube sock puppet ordered the changing of the name of the “holiday tree” in the state capitol building to “Christmas tree.” Because that is what it is, a Christmas tree, dagumit! Please Jeebus, help sent these cretins back to greasing their glory holes for their corporate masters, back into obscurity and shame, where they can’t do any more damage to the poor and middle class. Then we’ll see how much the Rethuglicans keep crowing about who sent whom a mandate about what. Anyway,
Wisconsin unemployment up 10% since he took office, Scott Walker pushes for Abstinence education? #recallwalker #ows #wiunion
Look: Not that there’s anything wrong with telling kids to wait.
Just that making that part of a school curriculum DOES NOT for work. Here’s just one of many articles. Sadly, it’s fact based, so it will be instantly ignored.
But more importantly for this piece… here’s a guy who came in screaming it’s all about fixing things, creating new jobs, and instead… it’s all about a social agenda.
Anti-Union. And now, anti-science. Seems like Huffpo found more proof that Wisconsin got a Right Wing Fundamentalist in sheep’s clothing.
Scott Walker’s New Jobs Plan: Abstinence-Only Education
Wisconsin is facing a jobs crisis. The state’s official unemployment rate, down to 7.1 percent in January, has risen to 7.8 percent since Republican Gov. Scott Walker took office. But Walker and the GOP-led Legislature have a plan: First, they curtailed collective-bargaining rights and threatened to lay off government workers, including teachers, cops, and firefighters. Then Walker called a special jobs-focused session of the Legislature, which he dubbed “Back to Work Wisconsin,” to pass even more “job-creating” laws. At the top of the jobs agenda? Gutting the state’s sex ed standards and replacing them with abstinence-only education.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) Scott Walker for Governor/Flickr
A bill launched during Walker’s jobs session and nearing passage in the Legislature would repeal significant portions of the state law that requires schools to provide comprehensive, scientifically accurate, and age-appropriate sex ed. On Wednesday, the state Assembly’s education committee is scheduled to consider whether it should join the Wisconsin Senate, which approved the bill on November 2, in voting for repeal. Republicans hold big majorities on the education committee and the Assembly overall, so the bill is expected to pass easily.“They say nothing’s a bigger priority than the economy and jobs,” says state Rep. Gordon Hintz, a Democrat who sits on the committee that will take up the repeal bill on Wednesday. “But the legislation that’s actually passed has been the ultimate social agenda.”
That’s right. With state unemployment on the rise – it’s up 10% since Walker took office – Scott has a bold new jobs program all right. And he might even get hands to work. But those aren’t the kind of jobs he’s supposed to be creating.
If he’s trying to set the clock back to the ’50s, the least Wisconsin can do is set the clock back to 2009 and get this dolt out of office. 59 days folks! Good luck!
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