from daily kos
The gentleman on the right, his shirt says “Lower Taxes + Less Government = More Freedom.” Yeah, freedom to watch your home burn to ashes. Freedom to rebuild from the bottom up (or not depending on insurance, etc). I swear to g*d I hope these people see the intensity of the irony in this picture.
Look at that goddamned, Ayn Rand loving Socialist sucking up to the government for his handouts and free stuff! He is literally sticking his hand out for free stuff! Gentleman’s “culture of dependence” mentality makes me sick! Presumably, “gentleman” (one of you computer brains please get to work identifying him), is one of those Free Market Freeloaders who hates the gummint and all its filthy taxes. but likes driving on the interstates, flying safely in the skies, using the internet, getting Fingerhut catalogs via the US mail, get weather data from satellites, have clean water to drink and non-salmonella Slim-Jims to eat, to keep poisonous toys away from his dumb kids, and send them to free schools. Gentleman thinks all these services, including, when needed, real men to jump in and save his lily-white ass from a fire, and for that matter, climate protection, is free because freedumb.
Next time there’s a fire, and there will be a next time, perhaps he will ponder whether he can fight it with his garden hose, or form a bucket brigade with his neighbors