just one little thing

by kara on June 15, 2015

“You just hate the Duggars because they’re Christian conservatives”

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes Yes. Yes I do. I hate with the intensity of 10,000 burning suns broomstick up the ass hypocritical sanctimonious prudes and racists who yearn to use the power of the state to impose their fuckedup tyranny on everyone else around them. So much so that I would not have any problems with Obama as The Yellow King lining the lot of them up against a wall and shooting them off the planet, into deep, deep space, with extreme prejudice. While I could hate the Duggars “just” because they’re Christian conservatives, I also have the luxury of hating them because Josh finger manhandled his five-year-old sister, and the parents knew and covered it up for their own selfish reasons, like maybe running for public office on the Christian family values conservative ticket.  Maybe the hatred of the Duggars, Duck Dynasty and people like Tim Tebow is because they have made themselves the faces of a sanctimonious movement that lives to pass reactionary judgments on others while holding themselves up to be superior. These authoritarian turds insult and speak with invective toward other people who’s lives, happiness and privacy and then get upset when they are outed as gross in every sense of the word hypocrites. The other reason for the hatred is no matter how many times these vile fucks get outed wingnuts never learn a FUCKING THING about the false ‘wholesomeness’ of their own movement as a lesson to stop the reactionary judgments underlying their ‘family valyuhs’. I promise to leave the Duggars alone, as soon as they quit appearing on the teevee or campaigning to spread their reactionary bullshit views on sexuality. Also: STOP STICKING UP FOR A CHILD MOLESTER AND HIS FREAKISH, ENABLING PARENTS AND SISTERS, YOU MONSTERS.




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