Drunken Word Salad.

by kara on October 18, 2013

I really have started to believe that Fox News is satire. It’s going to be revealed at some point that this has all been a big hoax put on by The Onion. Answering the first question, Palin speaks for almost two minutes in a single continuous, run on sentence using such disparate talking points she expressed nothing more than a red meat word salad. She should have quit halfway through. She gives the same damn answer to any question she’s asked — “He wants to fundamentally transform America, Benghazi, death panels, emboldening America’s enemies” that she can do it completely wasted. In a cave somewhere near the Pakistan/ Afghanistan border, a new tactic for destroying America is being evaluated: anonymously funding the Tea Party. This stupid interview reminds me of $arah’s breathless, rambling, word frittata speeches when was quitting her job and that time she was standing in front of the turkeys being slaughtered right before Thanksgiving. She talks really fast in this one, though, because dumb ideas appear smarter if they’re coming at you really fast. It’s called the Dopeler Effect.



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