Ben. Gah. Zee.

by kara on May 8, 2013

Remember that these are the same ghouls who called the Newtown victims and their families “props” when the scandalous background check law was up for a vote. Darrell – car thief and arsonist – Issa and the rest of his ilk are basically using the deaths of Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods for their fictional scandal in the most revolting way possible, especially since their “new evidence” is testimony from some guy who was in Tripoli at the time. I’m so glad we had all those”special hearings” in 1983 when Ronald Raygun allowed 60 times more Americans to get blown to bits in Beirut, when everybody knew the Marines stationed there were sitting ducks and should get the fuck out. And I’m so glad they went after the Bush Administration for its ineptitude for 9/11 with the same laser-focus and vigor. Not to mention the mis information about Iraq that led to a monumentally costly war (in both $$$$ and lives) and the 20 odd attacks on embassies during the Bush Administration. Though to be fair, the (then Democratic) house did hold hearings on the Bush Administration’s flagrant use of the Justice Department to launch spurious prosecutions timed to influence political campaigns in the Republicans’ favor, including the firing of DA’s that didn’t agree to go along. They even subpoenaed Karl Rove. Who flatly refused to answer the subpoena.

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