Asshole Neighbor UPDATE

by kara on May 8, 2013

I have to take my shed down. Can you please tweet me your suggestions as to how to enact (harmless) revenge on my neighbor? I am thinking something of the order of replacing the lovely, modernist shed I had built with some sort of unsightly and very very very very large flag? Or something involving dog poop?

tweet me at: @teenagesleuth

Best idea gets a prize.


My modernist idiot neighbor did the unthinkable and called the city inspectors on me ( I – a thoughtful and helpful neighbor – am rebuilding my rotting deck which in no way has anything to do with his life). My insticnt is to make his life a living hell.

Have you ever seen those books on “How to Get Even?” One of them has the best back cover blurb ever: “Has someone been spreading rumors about you? Did someone cause you to lose your job? Get revenge!” All I’m thinking is shit – someone else made me get fired or told everyone that I’m watching the Jodi Arias trial all the time? That could be just about anyone!! Revenge!!


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