From the monthly archives:

October 2012

by kara on October 12, 2012

Unexplained Photo of the Week

by kara on October 12, 2012


by kara on October 6, 2012

My friend and superstar Lucas Gray took time of from directing on Family Guy to create this.


by kara on October 5, 2012

this pretty much sums up life around this time 4 years ago.

What Mitt Learned at Harvard.

by kara on October 5, 2012

Pulling a “Palin”. In his cheat sheet: 1.cut taxes 2. don’t cut taxes 3. the poor don’t matter 4. everybody matters 5. healthcare is great 6.repeal Obamacare on day 1 7. workers are what build the economy 8. fire them if possible 9. US manufacturing 10. China

Oh, yeah, Mittbott Romney won that debate, he was a brilliant statesman, he creamed poor, dumb, lily-livered Obama. I don’t know what debate you guys were watching, but I saw an exhausted president having to take time out of his day to share the stage with a hyped-up moron with a smirking, stupid color changing face. […]

Seth gets some new bathing suits.

by kara on October 1, 2012