From the category archives:


Republicans: How Was Your Life Under Obama?

by kara on November 23, 2018

  Could you still ….Watch what you wanted on TV or at the movies? Yep. Travel anywhere in the world you could afford? Yep. Enjoy the best selection of foods of any grocery stores in the world? Yep. Go to any church and worship any god you wanted? Yep. Watch any weird porn you wanted […]

by kara on November 5, 2018

It is time that every decent human being in America understands that Republicans do not consider most of us as human. They simply don’t see us as their equals. It’s time we do the same. Republicans are evil. We are not; we are the good ones. Republicans are greedy. We are not; we understand the […]

Conservatives have no clue who is going to mow their yards for them and no clue who is going to swab out their toilets, do their filthy laundry and work on their cars when they break down but they believe that once all of the non-republicans and non-whites are dead, ‘murika will be the perfect […]

Donald Trump, White Trash Icon One of the most remarkable things about the Old Days is that there were Americans with taste. Today, Americans appreciate bad taste, or America wouldn’t look the way America does. Enough has already been said about Trump and his shitty taste, his awful manners his gross appearance, the garbage of his personality, […]

Dear Miss Lindsey

by kara on August 29, 2018

  Lindsey Graham apparently isn’t upset that the unindicted co-conspirator president he spends so much time snuggling with has treated his dear dead friend with such grave disrespect, unbefitting of a syphilitic housecat, not to mention the purported leader of the free world. He said this on the “Today” show this morning: Lindsey Graham has […]

article on NYTIMES


by kara on August 6, 2018

Have you ever wondered: What do mega-rich Republican Captains of Industry who are not elected officials actually do these days? Do they build libraries like Robber Barons of the past? AS IF. No one should have nice things that they didn’t personally buy. Rather, they are rescuing us from the tyranny of public libraries. Are they […]

Welfare Farmers

by kara on July 25, 2018

Who else is sick and tired of hearing about the holy family farm? How did a job most often acquired by birthright become some national symbol of meritocracy? Almost every farmer I know inherited their farm. The great majority of American agriculture is controlled by large corporations. This welfare is going to them. Remember when […]

I have’t blogged anything since March, and probably would never have again. Then I watched Donald Trump stand next to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the official sponsor of the White House reality show, glibly debate America and its institution in exchange for a soccer ball. I feel like I say this a lot, and with […]

by kara on March 2, 2018

Sad/Hilarious story on Buzzed bout how a bunch of the underlings who work at White House fucking hate it there and are looking for new jobs, but they can’t get new jobs, not even at Sizzler or Wetzel’s in the airport, because nobody wants to hire somebody who worked at the trashy grifty failed Trump White […]