The United Fucking States of Fucking Stupid

by kara on April 21, 2016

Is the real downfall of America rooted in apathetic voters? We’ve worked long and hard to promote the idea that politicians are all the same, all politicians are self-serving corrupt liars, the two parties are the same, and it doesn’t matter whether you vote or not.  The apathy of the US voter has been carefully cultivated by promoting these beliefs. Beliefs — sometimes known as schemas — guide behavior. If an individual truly believes that a specific action will not be beneficial, then it is less likely that that action will not be taken. The caveat is that education and academia are suspicious at best and lying self-serving corrupt delusional socialists at worst and opinion is as good as any fact or baseless opinion is as good as informed opinion or that intuition is as good as reasoning…..I dunno, has it all come together to produce this perfect storm of sniveling self-serving narcissists ascending to office to implement policies that are emotionally appealing only to those who are afraid and are sure that their way of life will change tomorrow by outsiders invading their turf? The powers that be promote these beliefs as well as other structural impediments in an attempt to suppress the vote so that only a minority of voters who will vote in predictable ways will vote. Who knows, it’s late, good night.

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