Probably the thing conservatives say that I hate most is the perfidious claim that whatever horrifying thing they are advocating doing is for the benefit of “future generations” (if their are any). Like, if you’re more worried about some people getting a little lower priced private health insurance, or what bathroom someone uses, than you are about climate change, just stop pretending your kids’ future is your big concern.
Back in 2010ish, ghoulish, feather-brained lunatic Mitt Romney literally said to a crowd of other humans that helping victims of storms (tornado, floods, wildfires, droughts and other biblical plagues had been killing Americans and destroying their towns all year), is “immoral”,and they should not receive any governmental assistance. He argued that it is
“simply immoral for there to be deficit spending that could harm future generations”.
This visually thrilling video by 27 year-old Prince Ea, apologies to future generations for what we are doing, and not doing, to the planet today. The video contains lots of great thought-provoking quotes and you ought to watch it.
So conservative old folks – who won’t even be alive to reap the horrors of conservatives inaction on environmental issues – don’t worry about us, the “future generations”, we will be fine. It’s okay if you don’t agree with all this science stuff, just get out of our way.