by kara on August 18, 2014

Racists: Well, he was shot 6 times because he robbed a convenience store.

Reality Check: We don’t know that.

Racists: Well, he got shot because he charged the cop.

Reality Check: With what weapon?

Racists: Well, he was killed because he had pot in his system.

Reality Check: Because everybody knows marijuana makes you so very violent-like.

Racists: Well, he deserved to die anyway because he was a thuggy rapper.

Reality Check: But violent, right-wing, anti-govt nutjobs deserve our understanding and tolerance because…?

Racists: Well, well, well–

Reality Check: Go ahead, say what you really want to say!

Racists: Well, he was a black kid, you know.

Reality Check: Thank you, you late-to-the-game asshole, for your honesty. Now please go fuck yourself.

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