From the monthly archives:

October 2014


by kara on October 29, 2014

The author (left) in a bad boy’s haircut and little brother The ritual is familiar to almost anyone who grew up in America in the late twentieth century. Halloween has become perhaps the most “universal” American holiday. It proposes no ethnic identity, no national allegiance, no specific religious affiliations. You don a costume and walk […]

What a Magnificent Halloween Costume.

by kara on October 27, 2014

from H & M not for american children, of course.

Monday, October 27th, 2014

by kara on October 27, 2014

self portrait

by kara on October 24, 2014

Guns DUI DWTexting No health insurance Starvation Influenza Air pollution Carnival accidents “Pro-life” terrorists Police officers GMO induced allergies Driving with Laura Bush Duck hunting with Dick Cheney Going to a party with the Palins Wild game hunting with the Trump son Sexting with Phyllis Schlafley The Diabetes Hepatitis Q Chik-Fil-A Transvaginal Ultrasounds Applying for […]

How The Rapture Works

by kara on October 23, 2014

1. Real scientists come up with an Ebola vaccine. 2. Obama orders enough vaccines made to vaccinate the entire country. 3. Republicans, Teatards, etc. all refuse because the bible, dictator, oppression, freedom, duh. 4. They (those in line 3) all die horrific Ebola deaths. 5. The rest of us live Ebola-free happily ever after. Go […]

Obama’s Birth Plan

by kara on October 21, 2014

1. Plant phony birth announcement in Honolulu paper. 2. Schedule World Cup 53 years in future. 3. Lay seeds of adultery in Senate candidate opponent in race 30 years hence. 4. Tout unknown lamebrain as Wasilla mayor. 5. Secret mind control on Heritage Foundation to suggest and Massachusetts to adopt universal health care. So devious. […]

this is completely insane.

by kara on October 14, 2014

from whatever happened to baby jane? 1962 film starring bette davis and joan crawford

Before you read this, you may want to make sure you secure any heavy objects nearby, so that you won’t hurl them through your computer monitor. Republican perversion with starving government has helped land West Africa in an Ebola crisis. steep budget cuts by Congress has set back the NIH work on both prevention and […]

Red Hot Saturday Night at my House.

by kara on October 4, 2014

I’m here catching up on the news cycle amd pondering how increasingly ludicrous it is for us to keep pretending that we’re all on the “same team”. I mean, it’s depressing and makes me weep for our bewigged founding fathers, but I still think there’s more dignity in forthrightly acknowledging that the country’s in a […]