Unionized teechers our responcebel four his sputidity. No wondur his against ’em and Can’t spall.

by kara on November 28, 2011


The cross-eyed Governor’s illiterate tweet was quietly removed this morning, presumably by chagrined staffers, who know that they will soon be unemployed like everyone else in Wisconsin.

Aside: Almost more alarming than his grammatical gaffe is his bemoaning the “quiet day without a Packers game”. Was he high? Because I watched a Packers game. His home team beat the Lions to give them a 11-0 record, the best start in the franchise’s 91-year  NFL history and the first undefeated NFL team to win on Thanksgiving since 1934. He also missed a scary Lions defensive tackle getting the boot for an obnoxious head pounding of a Packers lineman topped off with an obnoxious cleat stomping.

For Cyber Monday, I’m going to send another $25 to United Wisconsin since it’s Christmas and nothing would be jollier than kicking the cross-eyed cry-baby kochsucker to the unemployment line.

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