Race for the Cure

by kara on November 12, 2011

I’m becoming more and more convinced that at the beginning of the Reagan era, a super virus was released on the population of the United States. This was the “Stupid Virus”, which later mutated into the “Super Stupid Virus”. It became virulent when fed blatant stupidities, (Ronnie’s forte) and aggravated by cutbacks in public education. It became dormant for 12 years, during Bush #1 and Clinton. It then reached full virulence with George W Bush and the media takeover by FOX and the likes of Limbaugh, Beck etc. and became a super virus. The Stupid Super Virus has not yet mutated into a contagious form, but it could mutate at any moment, become a pandemic, and render the planet helpless against its spread.

Unlike, “SARS”, where rapid action by the World Health Organization helped to slow then break the chain of transmission, the Stupid Super Virus has been widely ignored by the national and internatonal health organizations. It has also been ignored by the media, unlike the overrated “Swine Flu”, which was blown out of proportion at the rate of Y2K (despite being easily treated with 7-Up, chicken soup, comic books and low dose Tylenol, H1N1 was spun into the Plague of Athens, a new Super Virus that was going to wipe out humanity).

The Stupid Super virus has explicit, outward, Pathognomonic signs. These are seen in politicians like Sarah Palin and Rick Perry and in the commoners known as “Teabaggers”, and included retrograde amnesia, declarative memory, acalculia, agraphia, aphasia, aphemia, apraxia of speech, consistent manner cognitive impairment, metacognition, and parapnasias.

So far, there is no cure.

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