He won his senate seat by a mere 200 votes, then was unseated in a recall election stemming from Gov. Scott Walker’s anti-public employee union legislation in August, yet still thought he could get away with driving shitfaced. Sunday night, jaundiced former Wisconsin state Sen. Randy Hopper was arrested while drunkenly careening his black Suburban down a highway. He’s like an alcoholic, modern day Paul Revere! I love that the party of “family values” is always good for a sleazy sex scandal and/or drunk driving arrest once a month! Not only did this depraved Republithug help pass an illegal bill stripping workers of basic labor rights, he wasn’t even living in his own district when he did it! He’d been caught shacking up with a 25-year-old lobbyist for a firm whose clients include organizations funded by the Koch Brothers by the name of – get this – “Persuasion Partners” (I’m sure her parents are happy that they only have one daughter to lay down for their country, er, state!) The best part of this story: This information became public when protesters gathered outside of Hopper’s Fond du Lac home and Hopper’s own maid came out and signed the recall petition. Then his wife came out and told the crowd that Hopper wasn’t there because he was living in Madison with his mistress! He faces charges of perjury and voter fraud. And theft. I bet this is totally being investigated, because Republicans are always talking about cracking down all all that voter fraud out there. Family Values Republican, ditching his wife and kids to shack up with a lobbyist half his age and getting her a plum job. Then pulls a DUI with aforementioned climber/home-wrecker. Really, the true classics never go out of fashion.