This picture is what the moronic photo editors at Fox Nation scrounged up to accompany the shrill, non-white, lunatic blogger Michelle Malkin’s psychotic rantings about the abject racism of the Wall Street protesters.
“When Occupy Wall Street activists call themselves the ‘99 percent,’ it turns out they mean 99 percent non-diverse (by their own politically correct measurements)”. It’s as pale out there at Camp Alinsky as MSNBC’s prime-time lineup or the New York Times editorial board. Not counting the cameos by Jesse Jackson and Cornel West, that is.”
Uh….yeah. I guess “It’s as pale out there at Camp Alinsky as MSNBC’s prime-time lineup” is meant to imply that Al Sharpton is white and prove les révolutionnaire are just a bunch of heartless hoboes. I’m sure the non white folks in this photo are happy to know that Michelle doesn’t see color and that she considers them white. Seriously, if this is the whitest picture they could find, they might want to just go Breitfart with a copy of PhotoShop. You know, so they can swap heads as necessary.
So, yeah, if you only count the white people, Occupy Wall Street is exactly like the Tea Party protests. That’s the best they’ve got. The lobotomized kochgobblers of the right wing punditry are stuck in an infinite payback loop. You guys made fun of W’s command of the English language … so we’re gonna mock Obama’s teleprompter. You guys gave us Hilary, so we’re gonna subject you to Sarah Palin. BLACK guy? We submit to you: Herman Cain. All those things you used to say about how awful our Tea Party protests were? Well, those are what’s awful about your protests, also. You guys interviewed and mocked our fat, racist, dumb, bitter, mentally ill TeaBaggers (because that’s all there were out there), so we’re gonna cherry pick from your bright, happy, attractive, thin, young Wall Street protesters and make them appear to be crazy and out of touch. It’s pathetic.