Criminal Mortgage-Fraud Syndicate Bank of America Thug Whispers his Support to Anti-Christ

by kara on August 19, 2011


Check out toupee’d assclown, James Mahoney, BofA’s director of public policy, saunter stealthily over to Rick Perry, and whisper romantically into the ear of the sociopathic creep:“We’re Bank of American, we’ll help ya out”. This revoltin’ development took place something called a “Politics and Eggs breakfast/mixer” in New Hampshire.

Yeah, so Bank of America, the leading proponent of foreclosure fraud, who was caught hiring military contractors to wage “cyber wars” against business journalists who’ve reported on BofA’s constant crimes, announced today that it’s laying off another 10,000 workers. Umm…how many tens of billions of dollars has BofA already sucked out of America in TARPs I and II? Eh, the important thing is that BofA executives aren’t getting enough billions, in parachutes and bonuses and corporate jets and hookers. I guess it’s possible that by “We’ll help ya out,” Mahoney meant he’d help Perry procure some more men/women/boys/crack and farm animals, or that he meant he’d help the D-minus student score a student loan so that he can re-register in that crap college and study this time, or that he meant “we’ll put you in a subprime mortgage with a time-bomb attached.”, or, more likely: “W’ell help ya out. I’m in room 417”. Hopefully, the cameraman wasn’t decked out as a pimp, because, then congress might go ahead and defund BofA! God, what does Rick Perry and his horrible state get?? Oil drilling? Pumping arsenic into the rivers? Carbon tax exemption? Eternal life with a chip and a bottle of Brylcreem? Well, Rick, once the frisson of being slathered in filthy vampiric bankster cash has worn off, and all federal regulations are gone, the simple act of shoving a Corndog up your ass may be the last bit of twisted excitement left for you, you short- fused ball of sleaze, resentment and fear.

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