Is it Too Soon to Wear This Ironically?

by kara on July 8, 2011


AH, DE FORF OF JULY, the day when all the awful red state, racist slobs don their holiday best, their “warding off the neegrows and the Mooslums” finery in honor of Jesus, Hitler and Thomas Jefferson. In what might be the most intellectually honest thing ever put forth by their ilk, a dude in Kenfucky hocked t-shirts proclaiming, “Yup, I’m a racist!” and brown “INFIDEL” versions declaring, “Everything I Need to Know About Islam I Learned on 9/11!”, which is why they are calling themselves “infidels”,…for irony (I mean, I’ll playfully call myself an “infidel”, being that I’m a non-believing, heretic — but I’m just not a raging asshole about it). This photo works on so many levels. It’s so heavy meta it deserves a Pulitzer prize. His raging, sun-crisped face that gives new meaning to the term “redneck”, the customer’s fat rumps, the booth – that FOR SOME UNIMAGINABLE REEASON – screams FOX NEWS and TEA PARTY…  

Someone really ought to do a documentary about this guy. He’s such a one-man symbol of Democracy in America today. He is a one-man example of how deeply the need for Planned Parenthood is in places like Kentucky, because the country can not afford more ungelded tragedies like this freak, selling XXXXL apparel to like-minded primordial sloth who want to honor the founding of America dressed like wideload, hobo Klansmen.

On the first day, God gaveth stupid people mouths and t-shirts, so that he wouldn’t have to put bells and warning lights on then.



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