by kara on March 31, 2011

Home from work on a mental health day, I’m having the misfortune of seeing Indiana US Representative/Silverback Gorilla Mike Pence hooting about the paltry ($6 billion) budget impasse that they will SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT OVER. The House GOP – made up of litters of like-minded chimps elected last fall via Tea Party support – is using the budget resolution riders to pursue broad policy goals. Their huge beef(s): Gutting the healthcare reform law, and stripping Planned Parenthood and the NPR radio station of their federal funding. Not kidding.

“It’s morally wrong to take the taxpayer dollars of millions of pro-life Americans and use it to fund organizations that provide and promote abortion–like Planned Parenthood of America.”

AND YET, It’s “morally right” to make ME fork over MY tax dollars to support wars, torture, wars, line the pockets of multi-billion dollar corporations who pay not one penny in taxes, for Blackwater murdering and molesting an marauding, all against MY will.

How about this: The millions of  “Pro-Life “Americans can continue to have THEIR tax dollars spent on wars and killing people and us pro-choice folk have OURS spent on giving women reproductive rights and affordable healthcare? Why is MY voice being ignored, Pence?

Now, House Majority Whip, Eric Cantor, a senior member of the House of Representatives, is posturing and puttering, saying perhaps the most preposterous, the stupidest thing ever said by a sitting leader of the majority party in the history of the world! He just showed complete, abject  ignorance of what every 6th grader in America knows about how a bill becomes law!! He said that if the Senate did not act on HR1, that it would become “the law of the land”. WHAT. These psychopaths are just making up shit as they go along! Screw the Constitution, screw legality, the down-the-road effects, screw all your constituents except The Tea Party coots and the Kock Bros. THAT’S THEIR constituency.  I can’t wait to see whether Cantor bothers to follow this rule with the “Government Shutdown Prevention Act”. Because, according to the Constitution – and according to Schoolhouse Rock – for a bill to become “law of the land” it has to be passed by the Senate and the House and be signed by the President. Therefore, the Government Shutdown Prevention Act is unconstitutional, on its face. Gosh, the Tea Party patriots are gonna be outraged by this brazen spitting on the Constitution!

Folks, it’s a bloodless coupe happening right before our eyes, their control over both parties now complete. They have gained the necessary legal and logistical means of control over the angry mob if need be. They have the means of causing massive suffering on the masses while continuing to wallow in peace and luxury, behind their iron gates or on the moon. Wait no longer for that Corporatist Utopia, it’s upon us! I take back everything I once said about open-mindedness, anyone who votes Republican is either in league with these assholes or is just plain stupid.


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