Fuck You, Bernie Sanders.

by kara on June 6, 2016

After months and months of prefacing everything with “I love Bernie Sanders”, and saying “aren’t we lucky to have two good candidates,” and “you know, they have more in common than they have differences,” or “you know, they voted the same way 93% of the time” to the Bernie supporters of my acquaintance, only to be told to “fuck off and DIAF because she’s a Republican muuuuuuuurdererer and her supporters are too and she’s the establishment and a Crimey McFraudypants and no one is really supporting her and NO FUCK YOU, BERNIE BROS ARE A MYTH YOU MADE UP TO HURT BERNIE’S SPARROW-CHARMING FEELINGS,” I am going to take a moment and say “fuck you, Bernie Sanders”. Just FUCK YOU. The White Man Dude is now going to contest the convention no matter what he says. Say what you will about Hillary and her “blinding ambition” but in 2008 she was a HELL of a lot closer to the nomination when she bowed out than Bernie currently is and she did it for unity. Bernie has NEVER been a Democrat and he isn’t one now and his shameless use of party name and apparatus demonstrates complete hypocrisy. He is not content to have fought a close race and then unified behind his vanquisher the way Hillary did, he’s very capable of throwing this election to Donald fucking Trump and seems utterly incapable of seeing this fact. He says he’s worried Hillary will lose to Trump, well his divisive bullshit and ratcheted up rhetoric has greatly increased the chance that she will- a self fulfilling prophecy. So go get treated for that Bern and go fuck yourself, Senator. I keep people of this unfortunate fact, especially since his difference is 3 times greater than Hillary and Obama. Also, any other delegate allocation puts him out of the running. The only reason he is in it is because of the whacked out delegate math of the Democratic primary and that you are practically required to have superdelegate support. I can tell you one thing…if a Dem elects to enter the 2018 Vermont Senate race, Bernie will not get the kid glove treatment from the national Dems that he has in the past.

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