take your penis and go home

by kara on June 4, 2016

Women have been erased, silenced, and degraded far too long, that’s it’s kind of old news that it’s happening again.  I must wonder how all those young women so ready to tear down Hilliary will feel when Donald Trump is President and their reproductive rights are lost. My guess is they won’t know what hit them. Those of us who have fought for those rights know how hard won they have been and how endangered they are right now. I’m fed up with all those who just don’t care. I am tired of being told that feminism has allowed me to vote for someone other than “the woman.” But feminism of the sort being practiced by the dudes on social media seems to condemn anyone who isn’t voting for The Man once again. It that’s the new feminism, I’ll take the old. And the ageist attacks from the young blood is just as archaic and biased as anything women withstood before feminism.

After 30 years of voting for penis presidents, I’m supporting Hillary without apology.


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