Dear Red State Republicans:

by kara on February 28, 2016

What you are now feeling is the sting of corporate authoritarianism. Yet, you continue to blame those out of your own suicidal loop. Hysteria at getting ‘them’ out of the government and taking ‘our’ country back from ‘them’ has taken such fanatical foothold that you continue to vote against every principle our parents and grandparen­ts put in place in an effort to make a better world for all. The cheers at the thought of someone tapping family members for money to prevent death will last until YOUR grandmothe­r, YOUR child needs government help. The cheers at the number of executions a state of illiterate racists committed until YOUR brother, YOUR son-in-law who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and gets unjustly accused, and is KILLED, KILLED! Yes, trying to change America would be bad….and this appeals to a bunch of poor, unhealthy slobs dying of treatable illnesses that seeing a doctor years ago would have caught. Or to a bunch of fucking idiots swimming in student loan debt from when they attended college or maybe a bunch of fucking imbeciles who’ll have to work until age 75 because of the blessed free market bestowed upon America by God Hisself in the Constitution, and because Wall Street absconded with their 401K plans to use on its diet of cocaine and hookers.

A new President will Take America Back to, we dunno, 2008? Some time when the president didn’t go around ordering the IRS to hire New Black Panthers to kill our ambassadors at the behest of Vladimir Putin? figure if your path to victory only includes trying to suppress the other side’s ability to vote, you have completely run out of viable ideas for this country and will eventually just fade into obscurity when demographics completely run your ass over.

You hate how the government is doing things and feel like the democratic process isn’t cutting it anymore? Then upset the established order. So what if you’re outnumbered, so what if local law enforcement/FBI/National Guard are called in to suppress your revolution. Simply take joy in the fact that you’re dying for something you truly believe in. Trust me, the country will be better off for it. Or, continue to be savagely abused by the nation’s intentionally cruel society, while the richest Americans will continue to live in their own separate world, with separate sentencing laws and private jetways with no TSA lines and basically the right to do anything they can buy their way out of.

Otherwise, is there a point to all of this? Other than banal hassles and meaningless toil and a death prolonged by for-profit hospitals, insurers and the medical/pharmaceutical industry. Does anyone care about you, the depressed, the overworked and your Sisyphean plight? The fragmented, atomized, and badly demoralized majority of working families face a constant and totally one-sided bombardment by corporate and government policies that undermine their economic security, take away rights to unionization, and make their survival ever more precarious. Domestic politics, shaped by GOP demonization of welfare clients,  contempt directed against teachers and unions/workers. Teachers! Workers!!

Capitalism, ain’t it grand? Except no, it’s really not. It’s fucked. Have you started to figure out that capitalism is fucked? That it isn’t fair? As stooges to the overlords of the destroyed middle class, maybe it’s time to start asking fancy questions to your friends in the GOP about income equality? Ask them about doing their bidding because someone told you that ACORN and the Lamestream Media have so thoroughly rigged the system that it’s no longer possible for the average everyday American to exercise his God-given right to elect people to transfer a greater portion of wealth to the top 1%.

The same people who championed the rowdy, gun-toting, tricornered-hatted Tea Party activists claimed the Occupy movement was just a mob of hippie freaks. They all believed in that economic justice, the communitarian future that year by year recedes before us. The Tea People wanted that, too, they were just unable to put it into words or coherent thought or spell their signs correctly, as mixed-up jumble of “anti-austerity” and “anti-tax”. It seemed as if that finally, everyone might figure out that we all wanted the same thing. The working class, the public-sector unions, all of us wrestling with collapsing home values and collapsing pensions and an intentionally destroyed infrastructure. That standard ingredient of toppled empires, the “peasant revolt”, apocalyptic movements that only grow beyond the fanatics and cultists when the whole of human consciousness is tugged by the need to overturn the tables and make examples of the moneychangers.

The Millennium is almost 2 decades behind us now – with it brought an unlikely mix of anti-globalization actions,  technophobia and a simmering disgust with the elite led to the cataclysms and duds — Y2K, Vicente Fox and Hugo Chavez, Falun Gong, the Battle of Seattle and the introduction of the Euro, Bush v. Gore…..Subdued by official crime and state power, the bitterness and dissatisfaction and dull horror of American life seemed to manifest itself in the terror attacks of 911, and for a little while that seemed to stun us all into a dream state — a nightmare state — as the actual state took every opportunity to advance the empire, the resource wars (it must be a rough exsistance to live with the paranoia of this ficticious boogey man coming to take the guns away, the ghost of Paul Revere riding spreading the news that the British are coming again. Over and over and over again), the degradation of humanity and nature. Too many people, a catastrophic Dust Bowl created by wanton scraping and cultivation of the wild lands, deforestation, endless war, climate change, epidemic disease, collapse of key trade routes…. And that satan of all satans, Radical Islamic, and its anger and concomitant action – a phenomenon that roiled the Middle East and set the overwhelmingly peaceful majority against powerful, violent forces in their own midst – into a single image of angry, stereotypically Muslim-looking men probably plotting to blow up the very Cracker Barrel you’re standing in while playing CandyCrush on your nearly outdated iPhone 6S.

They made you believe that you didn’t deserve affordable healthcare and that if your granddaughter gets Leukemia or you brother gets kidney disease, and you don’t have $10 million to pay for those bills out of pocket, than your loved ones deserve to die. But it’s not true. You granddaughter does not deserve to die just because she gets sick and you are not rich. We don’t deserve to die.  I sat watching in horror as the conservative movement descended into utter barbarism. It takes a special kind of balls-out abject to deny health care to a bunch of Americans/humans with steel plates in their backs, crippling arthritis, and other conditions that make working sorta kinda out of the question just so you can stick it to the President. Way to keep hangin’ tough, Americans. Corporate does not need us any more; why should they care about our health? They already bled us dry. Here is where “trickle down” really happens: If they kill us off, then they can sell flattened coal-mined mountains or new gated communities in US Parks (which are not oil or gas fields) to rich Swiss, Chinese, and Russians for fantastic Profits. A vast torrent of dollars, rapidly shooting upward in a jet-stream, has given the top 1% more political power than at any point in the last 90 years.

The super-rich have gained more surplus wealth to contribute more massively to candidates who serve their interests and to hire lobbyists to advance policies of tax-cutting, deregulation, privatization and “free trade. ” All these policies that detach the ruling class further from a commitment to strong public institutions (e.g., schools, healthcare, access to higher education), American workers and the nation itself. The GOP wants to spend zero monies on government programs, give away money to oil barons, and charge poor people for the privilege of getting shat upon by their social betters.

On national security and foreign policy, Republicans are the most disgraced and discredited class of people on this fucking planet. Unless it’s an abject, weeping apology for all of the needless death and destruction they’ve caused, I don’t see why anyone should listen to a single goddamned thing they have to say on those subjects. Mindless militarism preached by our national leaders that always seems to lead to them sending your kids off to fight and die in wars in faraway lands while they stay home and pull strings to keep their own progeny safely ensconced in the Texas Air National Guard, to name one example that just randomly popped into my head for no reason.

Sorry, you millions of Americans who rely on government assistance to feed your kids, but in tough economic times, some of us have to sacrifice so others of us can continue taking deductions on our private jets. That’s just how it works. Nothing says God Bless America like trying to balance the budget on the backs of people who live at or below 130% of the poverty line. Unemployed? Tough, no unemployment insurance for you, get a job; need to eat? Tough, no Foodstamps for you, it’s unsustainable Want to go to college? Tough, no Pell Grants for you, also unsustainable… What is truly unsustainable is the status quo which puts flannel mouthed fools in charge of government to the detriment of the American people. When will we arise and throw these craven, heartless, ignorant, selfish, authoritarian reactionaries out of office?

I see the deleterious effects upon the people caused by the modern welfare state, the soul crushing effects of the capitalist system. No matter how far down your lifestyle sinks, will you keep on watching Fox News and listening to AM hate radio all day and blaming the people with the least power and the ” liberals” for all your problems? Or will you shut those things off and  wake up and join the revolution? Or will you beat on, boats against the economic current, borne back ceaselessly into the WalMart? Eventually, all the frustration, pent-up rage and seemingly endless suffering will boil over, all the victims of the CEOs one-way class war will erupt. The potential for masss disorder in the streets of the United States is staggering. The “GOP voter”  is going to fall off so rapidly that we’ll be able to drown them in one Walmart store. Will you ever know what happened? Will you ever know who profited from your ignorance? Unless you make less than $250,000 a year, corporatists made you vote against your best interests.

Today, we are all anonymous protesters who the media couldn’t care less about.

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