Make the Dark Ages Great Again

by kara on February 21, 2016

I have hated the GOP for my whole life. But I have never seen a GOP campaign like this one. The people of Nevada and South Carolina have spoken, or at least the people in the Democratic and Republican parties of those states have, respectively, and the message is clear: Nobody likes Jeb Bush. What we do like is a lot of nonsense, one-upmanship, snide innuendo, and general insanity, wandering around the debate stages lost, yammering on about how President Obama has caused such damage to this country, never being asked to back up any claims, or for any specifics. I guess 7 years of economic and job growth, doubling of the stock market and restoring this country’s reputation with our allies is so damaging. If Obama had been a white Republican President during the last seven years, they’d want to change the Constitution to allow him to run for a third term.

Then there’s the sort of sideshow candidate who only appeals to resentful, poorly educated voters on the margins of society who want their country back, but will never get it back:


Trump 2016

– Huns, Norsemen, Tatars, Saracens Ishmaelites, Goths, Visigoths and Ostrogoths are crossing our borders with impunity, burning our villages, raping and carrying off our daughters and they’ve even started farming our land. Only our own feudal overlords should be allowed to burn our villages, rape our women, seize our land, etc. No to foreign pillagers, rapists and raiders! Only I’m tough enough to be your rapacious master! We need to build a big, fancy, classy wall to keep them out. And who will pay for that wall?! They will! ‘Cause we’ll just enslave them and make them build it!  Them we create a genetically modified corn plant that will drive their farmers out of business and into the arms of the drug cartels.

– An earthquake just destroyed the Dome of the Rock! Muslim conspiracy! We need to get tough on those Moors! I’ll be tough!

– Trade with foreign non-white peoples is corrupting our way of life. Asian and Arab imports are bringing in alien things like tableware, medicine, preservative spices, sanitation, literacy, math. Unacceptable! Pretty soon somebody will be telling us we have to bathe regularly and eat our tasteless, rotting food with something other than our hands, out of a trough! Protect our way of life! Get tough on trade!

– The Art of The Bible. Who does this Bishop of Rome/Pope think he is, telling us to respect our neighbors, give mercy to our enemies, who we can marry and that we can’t beat our spouses with impunity? How dare he impinge on our feudal rights! Time to put Rome in its place!

– Torture, the Romans tortured people with machines soaked in pig’s blood. What do we have? Weak, weak torture only… Whips, some hot pokers, waterboarding, smashing people with rocks. Weak! Bring back real torture.

from the NYT:

Disconsolate Republican operatives spent much of Saturday night in dismay, over the death of the Bush dynasty and the success of Mr. Trump. Even in the face of polling that documented Mr. Trump’s appeal, and even after his win in New Hampshire, they privately doubted that he could sustain his momentum.

“It’s bad for the party and bad for the country,” said Stuart Stevens, the chief strategist for Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign four years ago. “I don’t think there is anything good about it.”

Hahaha. Joke’s on you- the “base” doesn’t care about the good of the Party, and neither do any of the candidates. They learned it from watching you. Only difference between the GOP donor class and GOP base is the size of the bank account. Other than that they’re all hateful racist sexist homophobic greedy liars. The party is rotten from the roots to the uppermost branches.


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