Make America Bennigans

by kara on October 19, 2015




The Donald Trump Traveling Crap and Merchandise Show came to Richmond Virginia’s International Raceway, where  last month they hosted a big ol’ NASCAR race and the Virginia Gun Show. Based on unscientific observation, the crowd was predominantly white, older than 50, and blue collar, who ya know are gonna be rich like Donald Trump themselves, any day now. So best to support those tax breaks for the wealthy now so they’re in place when that ship comes in…because Trump is a TEN BILLIONAIRE! and the world’s greatest business man ever, you know his tax plan is full of fresh, original ideas no human persons have ever imagined because they are not Donald Trump. SO we’re going to stop punishing families who achieve the American Dream[tm], and start punishing families who don’t. Every year you don’t become a billionaire you pay a fine. You have to incentivize people! Too sciencey. Feelz gud comes from jeebus, Natty Light and the irrational belief that they will be living like Trump!!

What is Trump gonna do to America great again, that no other Republican except for every single other Republican, wants to do? He’s going to eliminate the estate tax because it “punishes families for achieving the American dream.” Probably mere oversight that Trump failed to mention the estate tax only “punishes” families whose estates are worth $10 million or more, which, contrary to what you might think from watching Republicans say words about it, is a teeny tiny point zero something percent of American families.


Trump’s tax plan is brilliantly titled:


So we’re halfway to American greatness already!  His plan sets out, and has practically already accomplished, simply by virtue of being typed on a webpage, four simple goals that you won’t hear any other presidential candidates jibber-jabbering about: (1) tax relief for middle class Americans; (2) simplify the tax code; (3) grow the American economy; and (4) doesn’t add to our debt and deficit. Does that not sound terrific? Of course it does!

Donald J. Trump’s Donald J. Trump Tax Plan will cut everyone’s taxes, yes, but the biggest cuts go to corporations and rich people and their obnoxious trust fund babies. And, bonus, it’s pretty much UNPOSSIBLE that this tax plan would be “revenue neutral” or reduce our debt, because trickle-down Reaganomics doesn’t work, and letting the Rich keep their money so it can drip down their legs to the Poors beneath their golden bootstraps is not a legitimate economic plan. But, on the plus side, the Small Government anti-tax conservatives can breathe a sigh of relief, because it turns out Trump is a Real Republican afte

These poor folks really think ‘Make America Great Again” means they will get to be rich just like the Donald, and go back to that mythical 1950s during which you could be as molesty, sexist and racist as you wanna be and fuck everyones “PC attitude”. The only thing they are getting and will get out of Trump is shlocky entertainment value which isn’t what you want out of the guy with access to the launch codes. They see themselves in him — he is a walking, talking Mary Sue for undereducated, authoritarian white bigots. Trump shows that intelligence and thoughtfulness are not especially required to be a billionaire, and unreconstructed bigotry is no barrier to fame and fortune. They forget the part about inheriting a massive amount of money from your father to make the rest of the fantasy happen, but you can understand the confusion.

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