Look at the image on the box! SO beautiful! The super Mod Dip-a-Flower kits were like a dream of mod craftiness, making magnificent groovy-colored, glasslike, transparent floral bouquets.
The first problem was Dip-a-Flower was a messy proposition, the second was that the sharp wire tended to poke out of the ends of the stems. I used to see Dip-a-Flower kits at the hobby shopand thought that they were so cool. I seems as if breathing the polyester resin fumes was very toxic. I must admit I liked the smell, but it did make us all a little dizzy.
DEAR MOM: I cannot believe you bought us resin pouring kits when I was 9. A resin cast is formed when resin and a chemical catalyst are combined to form a hard, plastic-like material. I know that our Dip-a-Flower kit was from the Sears Wish Book and they looked really neat but we didn’t wear masks or gloves and the 2-part resin mixture was very, very toxic. These kits are still available today, but are recommended for adults with a respirator, gloves, and eye protection.