The Most Violent Person in America.

by kara on January 11, 2011

“I hate violence. I hate war. Our children will not have peace if politicos just capitalize on this.”

In a message posted on her Facebook page last March, (newly self anointed pacifist) Ms. Palin reiterated her call for supporters to “reload” in the battle against health care reform. Presenting her message as a sly exhortation to college basketball teams competing in March Madness, Palin stuck to her guns in using firearm imagery against the administration. In the headline of her update, she mockingly predicted that the message would be “subject to new politically correct language police censorship.

“The crossfire is intense, so penetrate through enemy territory by bombing through the press, and use your strong weapons — your Big Guns — to drive to the hole. Shoot with accuracy; aim high and remember it takes blood, sweat and tears to win.”

Who else is sick of the language of sports being commandeered by the political media? “Hardball” and “softball” and the “horserace” and the rest of the Top Chimp athletic lexicon that has been trivializing our public sphere. Leave sports out of it. Framed political participation with “shooting gallery” imagery, crosshairs maps and “second amendment solutions,” as squawked about by orange-haired troll Sharon Angle makes it a blood sport. Lock and load! Retreat, reload, blahblah.

“I hate violence. I hate war”.

Democratic lawmakers have long accused Pacifist Palin of using borderline metaphors and rhetoric in her speeches, retardo tweets and FB posts to instigate acts of violence, like the vandalism perpetrated against members of Congress; a brick thrown through a window; a gas line severed at the home of Rep. Tom Perriello’s brother after Tea Partiers posted his address online (I’m waiting for someone to post a Google Earth Map of Sarah and Bristols homes in AK and AZ with a “survey marker” just in case we want to know where they live); and hundreds of threatening phone calls to Rep. Bart Stupak. After posting her infamous target map of Democrats she wanted to see “removed” in last November’s mid terms, in the scope of gun crosshairs, Gabby Giffords’ Tucson office was vandalized. After this weekend’s assassination attempt on Ms Giffords, Palin guiltily removed the target map from her site and actually claims the crosshairs were ‘something a surveyor would use’, like  you’d see on maps”.

“I hate violence. I hate war”.

The awesomeness that is Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York, when after receiving an envelope of suspicious powder at his office, said Palin’s gun rhetoric could easily be mistaken for a call to literal militaristic behavior. He told CBS last year:

“When Sarah Palin uses gun analogies and gun imagery when she makes her political point, she may believe that she’s engaging in metaphor. But there are too many people who have twisted minds who might think that she’s being literal.”

Republicans, predictably, fired back, accusing Democrats of playing up the vandalism to gain political advantage. Some Republican lawmakers seemed to get off on the bellicose tactics, like Rep. Randy Neugebauer of Texas who yelled “baby killer” at Bart Stupak on the House floor. Rep. Devin Nunes of California said Tea Partiers had “every right” to use racist and homophobic slurs against Democrats, chalking it all up to Democrats’ “totalitarian tactics.” Rep. Michele Bachmann said she wants her constituents “armed and dangerous” against the Obama administration. Gabby Giffords political opponent promoted a “Get on Target for Victory” events with the slogan: “Help remove Gabrielle Giffords from office: Shoot a fully automatic M16 with Jesse Kelly.”Palin made it clear she wanted the self-described right-wing extremists to keep it up. “Get in their face and argue with them,” she wrote. “No matter how tough it gets, never retreat, instead RELOAD!”

“I hate violence. I hate war”.

The paradox comes from trying to explain matters of language to essentially illiterate people. Words have consequences, there is a thing called nuance, rhetoric shapes reality, and violent political rhetoric without comment preys on the brains of human lunatics  – because, as much as we like to believe that we’re sophisticated creatures of reason, there is something about our limbic system that when that prehistoric fight or flight kicks in, we become highly susceptible to irrational fantasies.

And Glenn Beck – Palins inciter of hyperbolic rhetoric with a dick counterpart –  protected by high priced security guards only he can afford – sits in front of a large screen showing images of Nazi Germany as he talks about Obama and Democrats. “An attempt on you could bring the republic down” he says in an email to Sarah Palin. AS IF!! They are parasites, bed bugs really, building multikazillion dollar empires on images of guns and feasting on the irrational fears of a small slice of the populace, feeding on their xenophobia, homophobia and paranoia, calling a relatively centrist Democratic president a “Communist” and a “Nazi”, demonizing moderate Republican congresspeople, continually dropping blood into a pool of piranhas. You don’t get to backpedal out of this. Where was the pacifism and/or compassion with the “Don’t retreat but reload ” tweet? You are horrible people and have caused immeasurable harm to the society you claim to love. All you “conservatives” outraged at the national response to incendiary rhetoric like Palin’s and Beck’s? YOU DON’T GET TO BE OUTRAGED ANYMORE.

And now gun crazy fucktards like Rep Peter King of NY suddenly want gun laws to protect their fat asses and the fat asses of their Fox friends, after creating this toxic environment and after opposing every gun law on the books since the beginning of time?! They ran on violence being an accepted response. They ran on creating a reality that if they couldn’t stop them Dems from winning elections, well, then they would just have to lock and load and kill them! That was the world they claimed they wanted. Now that it’s here, and there’s an actual body count including a 9 year old girl, they run around like chickens….they made their bed, now they are too scared to to lie in it.

“I hate violence. I hate war”.

Sarah you say you hate war and violence, but make your living shilling for the defense industry and the NRA and gleefully broadcast yourself slaughtering animals for thrill and/or political gain. That makes you a violent person. Sarah, sweetie, when you shoot a wolf from a helicopter, and a caribou by pressing your gun barrel to it’s face  – that makes you a violent person. If the NRA loves you THAT MUCH that they created a custom AR-15 in her honor – “The Alaskan Hunter” – you are a violent person. If you love guns THAT MUCH – the only reason to have guns is the anticipation  of using them…either against an animal or a person – you are a violent person. If you shoot dogs from a helicopter for sport, you are a violent person. When you are a holier-than-thou pro-lifer whose shackles get raised by any any perceived affront the life of the unborn but human beings and animals are worthless to you, you are a violent person. Just say you are a pacifist to the grieving family of a 9-year-old girl, I dare you.

“I hate violence. I hate war”.

What’s the most we can ask of an uneducated, egocentric, fame-flamed, anti- intellectual, greedy, loves shooting, ugly person? Rather than to admit the crosshair map might have been poor judgement, she portrays the pacifist – like she tried to plays the “feminist” and wear the ‘feminist’ clothes. She has no chops and no soul: a sad human, and worse, a pathetic woman, with children. We will see if she sticks to her guns. Hopefully, Palins political life will have begun and ended in AZ.

“I hate violence. I hate war”.

Putting the “fist” in pacifist

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