The Fancy Class

by kara on April 28, 2014

Ah, the 1%. They really are just fine examples of human beings, aren’t they? They deserve all these fine perks they get –  super-low taxes, dancing horse elevators and and cloned mini zorses with Faberge-bedazzled assholes. Just lovely people al the way down, and far better than the hoi-polloi, don’t you think?  It’s like the “job creators” bullshit. These people actually believe CEOs and sports team owners actually are responsible for the money their employees actually make, that everything the company does should be credited to the top executives who don’t actually do any work at all but just make a lot of money leeched off of the people who do the actual work. Are wrinkled old racist shitbags like Donald Trump and Donald Sterling so deluded that they actually think women like that date them for any other reason than money? Why the NBA has given this abomination, billionaire slumlord/walking discrimination lawsuit, such wide latitude to someone behaving far more repulsively than, say, Ron Artest ever did, merely because he is a billionaire owner, is a testament to the idea that rich folks are kings. Why else would the NBA, so sensitive to not being seen as a league of miscreant thugs, would let this criminal, this heckling, firing and screwing, drug addicted son having, registered Republican out own his cage and on the loose. The best punishment for this cretin would be for the judge to sentence him to live in one of his own slum holdings into the Inland Empire. I predict that Mr. Sterling would ultimately experience a dramatic and touching change of heart. Of course World Class racism, that’s something Donald Trump could put his seal of approval on. The Donald told fox’s friends that this whole thing is totes the girlfriend’s fault. That she was the girlfriend from hell…. and I guess Trump would know. If you ask me, the media proclaimed “goldigger” was underpaid for her services.

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