“I told ya so!” – Sarah Palin

by kara on March 3, 2014

Once again the principle of saying a lot of words all the time, some are sure to make sense, and even possibly apply to something. Foreign Policy magazine commented “an extremely far-fetched scenario” — I think the editor actually called it bat-shit crazy. But, you know, Legal. Yes Sarah you were right about a thing. Congrats on you’re first time, it should be a special moment to look back on. But news flash: Putin’s actions have nothing to do with who is in the White House. He’d be doing it if McCain, Romney, or god forbid, you were in there. This may come as a surprise yo you and your dim-witted followers, but there’s a whole set of geopolitical and historical factors in the world that don’t involve or revolve around America. And because Georgia was totally invaded during Obama’s term…oh wait…that was during Bush’s tenure! Hey Sarah, were you predicting mass protests and the pro-Russian government being overthrown in Obama’s 2nd term? No you threw some wildly out of nowhere prediction based off of zero backing and playing it off that it would immediately happen. Shut your gloss coated pie-hole and go count the filthy cash you collect from the idiots who blindly send it to you.

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