by kara on February 1, 2014

Chris Christie’s going down the river for this cuz nobody, and I mean nobody, believes that a loudmouth control freak with a reputation for hardball tactics and retribution would’ve had all of his top aides suddenly embark on a highly visible revenge plot without him knowing. And with Christie so obviously willing to sacrifice the reputation of everyone in his office for the sake of his own, someone is going to stand up and refuse to get dumped in the East River for this two-bit hood. I’m just happy that he’s so stubbornly and publicaly insistent on his complete and total innocence that we get to see this play out in slow-motion. And let’s face it, Chris Christie was never going to be president, on the basis of his weight alone (prejudice against the overweight being the last form of socially-acceptable prejudice in the U.S.). Additionally, why am I supposed to be surprised that a New Jersey Republican Governor is a petty, corrupt bully? It’s the first bullet in the job description.Wake me when Christie is caught in flagrante delicito with Justin Bieber, por favor.

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