by kara on December 4, 2013

Tuesday, some congressional assbags held a hearing they cleverly titled “The President’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws.” That’s congressional fancy talk for “impeachment”. Another nail the Republicans want to hammer into democracy’s coffin. Impeach Clinton to undo that election. Bush v Gore, Voter ID laws. Keep Obama off the ballot because someting something someting birf certificate, Voting Rights Act, Lifetime bans on felons — who are still citizens after all — voting. Apportionment of electors only in blue states. When the GOP went unhinged under Clinton, at least they waited until they found out he got a blowjob so they could at least pretend they were impeaching him for a reason instead of just for the hell of it. Here though, they’re talking about doing it for nothing at all.

Dear GOP,

Here is the difference between us impeaching one of your presidents, and you impeaching one of ours: YOUR GUY TRIED TO SUBVERT THE CONSTITUTION. OUR GUY WAS SLUTTY.

This is why our impeachment succeeded and yours failed.

//history lesson

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