Kill it Before it Spreads.

by kara on October 11, 2013

This morning I saw Ted Cruz rallying teatards over the cliff, thanks MSNBC. I’ve seen people all fired up and pissed off before, but I’ve never seen anything like this teabagger thing. For the life of me, I can’t figure out what it is they’re so pissed off about, and they don’t seem to know either.

“Something something, ideologic purity” and everyone to the left of the Tea Party is a rabid Black Panther/Islamofascist-hugging socialist and we have hooves, like all good allies of Satan… the size of government and keeping government out of peoples’ lives, but…where were they all a few years ago, when the size of government had ballooned to humungous proportions, larger than any government since the Johnson Administration? Where were they when the Busheses were doing warrantless wiretapping? Where were they when Dubya suspended Habeas Corpus?

A radical group of low-IQ extremists, dressed in costumes, bloviating their soul-depressing freedom-vomit all over the airwaves all the goddam time at every venue possible, (seriously, you couldn’t walk around DC in the summer of 2010 without tripping over some middle-aged white non-racist wearing a tinfoil tricorner hat and yelling at government buildings about that Kenyan socialist Marxist un-American President Obummer), groomed on the Grover Norquist idiom that “government should be small enough to drown in a bathtub”, they will riot because they’re stupid and unfocused, if they had a single functioning brain among them, they wouldn’t riot–they’d go pay the Kochs, the Paulsons, the Blankfeins and the Haywards of the world a neighborly visit to “discuss” the situation in a clear and unambiguous fashion.

The Tea Party insurgence happened at a time when the biggest qualification for running for Congress was having absolutely no legislative experience whatsoever. They ran on a platform of dismantling the government and, now that they see their opportunity, they aren’t intending to let a little thing like default or the collapse of the American economy stop them. If some Republicans want to marginalize the Tea Party now, they will need to spend time and money reedu-macating their low information voters. They did it with the Birchers, back in the day…granted it took almost 20 years and they didn’t eradicate the Birchers they just drove the infection into remission. The modern Tea Party is nothing if not a spectacular re-blooming of that virulent strain of lunacy. For Republicans to reboot, they have to tear down the whole echo chamber. Just punch a hole in it and shit’ll still echo. They’re *entirely* responsible for having let the cancer spread this far and they will have to pay up to cure it.

On behalf of those who rely on the government for their salary, pension payments, social security, food assistance, Head Start, WIC, veterans benefits, enrollment for small business loans, getting into clinical trials to cure diseases, getting a passport, having food-borne illnesses tracked or any other number of functions, fuck you, teatrads, fuck off and die.

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