Argle Bargle (Obama’s Wildfire Machine)

by kara on July 2, 2013

You know what? FUCK YOU. I don’t mean YOU. I mean FUCK THEM with their lunatic, shit for brains climate change argle bargle. Given the opportunity and responsibility of discussing one of the most important issues facing the planet, you, wingnuts have hurt feelings (has human history ever seen a bigger bunch of whiny pussies steeped in their own sense of victimhood than modern American conservatives? ), over being called “deniers” simply because they deny that a problem exists even in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence. Okay, I won’t politely refer to you as “climate change deniers’ anymore, because really, the proper term is: dumbfuck corrupt sociopathic godless selfish greedy pollution industry dick sucking white wingnut assholes.That’s what the clinical term will be when your descendants have abandoned the earth’s surface to go live underground with Dick Cheney and the Mole People. FUCK YOU as you sit in your air conditioned dens drooling over Fox News while 21-year old fire fighters burn to death trying to save the homes of fucking strangers. I can not wrap my head around how humans can believe whatever the hell it is they believe. They are that guy in the post-apocalyptic movie, the agitator with the horrible attitude that you just cannot wait till their brains get eaten. Yeah, that door go ahead and open it, hurry up before you put the rest of us in danger, you bloviating sacks of fail. Your hard-on for oil and gas and “clean” coal, and reflexive antagonism to anything that might help, whether wind or solar or fucking algae power, you make me SICK!. But then you are people that believe Jesus parked his dinosaur and wrote the constitution while the founders were off fighting to abolish slavery.

1. The scientific consensus on global warming is overwhelming, and there is no doubt that it’s real, and that its consequences will be severe.

2. The science on whether & how global warming affects tornado frequency and severity is less settled.

3. Tell you what, just to be on the safe side, let’s do nothing.

And FUCK YOU for suddenly, once again, predictably  giving a shit about firefighters after their non stop litany of bullshit about how horrible gubmint workers are, and what thugs anyone who works for a public sector union is. Remember the last time these assholes liked firefighters? Yeah you do, it was after 9/11 – boy they loved them some NYFD. For about  ten minutes, until the Newz said it was time to go back to bashing them, shitting all over them. FUCK YOU for being too fucking stupid to understand that when you bash those “greedy gubmint leeches what are screwing me over” by demanding that taxpayers honor their employment contracts, that you are talking about those nineteen people who just gave their lives defending someone else’s homes from that wildfire. Would you run into a burning house to save your own mother? NO, you would not. I KNOW YOU WOULD NOT. I have looked into your eyes and I know you would not. Those firefighters belonged to IAFF 3066 (police and fire are one of the few public sector unions still standing after decades of relentless attack by the morons of this right to be a slave state), those filthy gummint parasites. I am fed up with the faux concern and sympathy. THEY DON’T CARE. So go go tie a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree (your dick), and parade around your crummy town to show your solidarity, or practice some of that patriotic slacktivism by posting some bullshit “we stand with firefighters” clipart on your Facebook page, then go right back to your brain damaged default of hating them and anyone like them once you plug back in the IV and get your daily dose from Sean Hannity, you fucking hypocrites (not you). You know, you middle-American, God-fearing fucking patriot, there are useless sacks of shit in literally every goddamned profession known to man. It takes a complete fucking asshole to turn a blind-eye to this obvious truth and only a complete fucking asshole would set aside all public employees for the distinction of being parasites, especially when 19 of them just died trying to save other peoples lives. And guess what? Today you are that complete fucking asshole (not you). If you choose to live in an overdeveloped desert aka hellhole like I do, check your head. It’s the reason Phoenix and Vegas even exist. Unsustainable. You know, how alligator attacks are on the rise? You decided a gator infested swamp looked like a good place to go jogging dude, what did you expect?  The Gila monsters, armadillos, scorpions, and coyotes are rubbing their paws and fins together, just waiting for the right moment for their foursome to play through. Just wait another decade or two when the effects really start to kick in. When we have massive die-offs from lack of water and a new dust bowl, then it will be even more inappropriate to mention global warming. Oh, and the northern migration of bark beetles has nothing to do with the increase in temperatures favorable to said beetles, which kill the trees and leave them for fuel.Google it – so that you have something else to worry about. Okay, asshole, (not you), supposedly climate change is a hoax, right? Who the fuck benefits from this? What would be the purpose? An oil company makes money selling a polluting product. What is the converse of that which is supposedly so POWERFUL and WEALTHY?? WHAT? PLEASE GIVE ME AN ANSWER? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SOMEBODY PLEASE ASK THE QUESTION. What, is it the massively powerful solar panel industry buying all the scientists? Perhaps all the wind farm manufacturers that advertise on teevee channels are the one? Because. AL GORE! BECAUSE SOMETHING CARBON CREDIT ARGLE FLARGLE! Not only is it a global conspiracy to make Al Gore rich, it’s also an attempt by liberals to destroy capitalism. It’s not working!!! Is it all that sweet, sweet grant money (never mind that big carbon can buy their research just as easily) that corrupts all those evil scientists. it’s the scholastic equivalent to yelling BENGHAZI!!!1!1!.

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