Are Faux News Anchors on Military Grade “GO”?

by kara on May 24, 2013

You know, the dextro-amphetamine that the Air Force allegedly fed to pilots to keep them fightin’? The potential side effects include psychotic behavior, anxiety, paranoia, aggression, violent behavior, confusion, auditory hallucinations, mood disturbances and delusions. I imagine punch bowls full of this shit on the tables in green rooms. They probably shovel handfuls into their pieholes while they prepare for their stupid show by snorting bath salts and playing with bubble wrap and uber violent video games where they have to defend the US from liberals, minorities, and zombies.

Serious news reporter (above),  Andrea Tantaros  – one of the however-many hosts of Fox News’ The Five – became so incensed at the Justice Department for investigating one of the network’s reporters that she told her viewers on Thursday to find anyone who voted for President Barack Obama and “punch them in the face.” In one of those savvy responses that earn her the big bucks:

“Fox said, we’re targets, clearly Media Matters and others have put us on a target list! And they said, ‘Oh, Fox is just crazy! They’re just paranoid!’ Really? Are we? This is what is happening to our press! This is Obama’s America! It’s like the Soviet Union! He said he would change the country. He said it. And a lot of people voted for him.”

She concluded her psychotic rant with:

“And if you see any of those people today, do me a favor, punch them in the face.”

After a commercial break, a caller from South Carolina told Tantaros that he hated Obama, but worried that telling people to punch Obama voters in the face was sending the wrong message. “To be clear, I didn’t say punch Obama in the face,” the Fox News host pointed out. “You’re going to get me arrested with this type of government.”

“If someone voted for him!” she insisted to the caller. “If anyone that you know who voted for President Obama, smack ‘em down!”

I wonder how the queen of boobs and botoxia would “feel” if the people being punched in the face decided to shoot the people attacking them. I guess it’s a good thing that we are on the correct side of the gun control debate or else it would be a massacre!

This is the same dumb porno model that looked at the unemployed and said  — quote — “maybe the economic downturn was the best thing to happen to them,” because now they can learn values.” This is the same brain-dead zombie whore who told Eric Bolling that The Muppets were indoctrinating young children against capitalism and who said that Sandra Fluke “claims to be this smart, successful woman and she can’t afford $9 birth control”, calling her a lazy student who won’t go out and get a job and pay her own bills and that “no woman should aspire to be her.” Oh yeah and she went on air asking about Obama’s teenaged daughter’s birth control.

She also thinks its normal to have snacks hurled at her breasts. “I mean Bob [Beckel, fellow Fox News analyst] threw a candy corn down my dress yesterday!” she howled. “I didn’t sue,“she continued. Beckel responded, “You are going to get me in trouble saying that!” Not in that office, folks.

Just because the Republicans got rid of Sarah Palin doesn’t mean they don’t still have the corner on batshit crazy. Stupid and crazy this strong doesn’t just come from nowhere. It’s carefully cultivated in the Bubble of Greater Retardia, where it is fertilized by consistent doses of stupidity, bullshit and bigotry, and watered with ignorance and misogyny. Once ripe, it is picked and placed on a morning talk show, where it begins to rot … which is considered a feature, not a bug. There’s literally no low the right wing media hasn’t conquered yet. Broadcast media in the daytime other than PBS and NPR is full of garbage; on TV you can gape at the perversions of Dr. Phil and Jerry Springer shows, on the local “News/talk” radio stations you get this kind of toxic trash from people like Tantaros and Limbaugh. No wonder the mainstream political discourse became so damn sub-intelligent, egregious and dishonest.

Question: why does Mainstream American culture tolerates pigs like Tantaros who probably didn’t pass “Journalism 101: The Yearbook Years” in high school, but rather swallowed some producers load and presto….You’re a “news host”?

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