
by kara on April 19, 2013

Two losers unleash terror, maiming, death and destruction at a huge public event. A massive manhunt ensues to more death and destruction. Cue national outpouring of compassion for the victims. Cue an enormous and complex, coordinated operation involving state, local and federal law enforcement as well as the state committee for national security of Kyrgyzstan. Cue a crowd-sourced, anti-terrorism effort including twitter play-by-play and private-sector supplied surveillance photos. Situation resolved in 5 days in what might have taken years, if ever, to solve. The surviving loser/terrorist isn’t torched in a cabin or riddled with bullets or left to bleed to death, but is whisked away in an ambulance and will be given the same first aid as any American and the same due process as anyone else who has to appear in a court of law.

Trolls, Trump, Lindsey Graham, Liz Cheney and all the rest of you miserable, abject motherfuckers, listen up — this is what civilization looks like.

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