by kara on April 5, 2013

I really look forward to the day when the Psychiatric community has the guts to diagnose Religion as symptomatic of Schizophrenia, what with talking to an invisible man in the sky and blaming an invisible underground man for one’s bads and all the other evidence of critical break from reality. A single, loving God split himself into three parts, impregnated a virgin, had his son/self grow up to spread a message of love, let himself be killed and resurrected, all in order to stop himself from sending souls to hell as long as they professed belief in the part that got killed. Science! I mean, it would be ok if these lunatics would stay in their own isolated cult communities and leave the rest of us alone and commit mass suicide while waiting for the Apocalypse every decade or so. But it’s as if they were put on the earth by their God to torture the rest of us. And to think, people make fun of the tenets of Scientology, what with their alien souls stuffed down volcanoes by Xenu, causing human psychological problems. 

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