Spotted: The Gingham-Breasted Porch Manatee.

by kara on May 20, 2012!

In one of the most ridiculous rants uttered in “English” since James Joyce drank a case of Guinness and crapped out Finnegan’s Wake, and more proof  that the ramblings of an insane person and ramblings of the mainstream Republicans are indistinguishable, I give you the GOP’s completely vetted Vice Presidential nominee for 2012.

The take away from this mess is that 25 years ago, Mema would have been tossing the “N” word around without hesitation, just another noun in her every day vocabulary. Today, even Mema knows not to go there. May not seem like a big thing, but I’d still rather have a conversation with her than Mitt Romney. At least she has enough self-awareness that by the end of the rant, she’s already kind of given up on the fact that she really is somehow superior. She wants you to know that the reality is that black people discriminate against white people and not the other way around. To illustrate this, she tells a story of how she went with her daughter to the races (horses? cars? dogs?) and a lady “who happened to be black” started arguing with her daughter, and the proprietors of the race track intervened and one of them -also a black woman – decided that the first black woman had started the argument and took the side of her daughter so they were not kicked out of the races.* By the time Mema finishes the anecdote, she realizes it doesn’t really support her premise. She tries to cover by reiterating her premise more loudly, but then kind of gives up and asks everybody to pray for her. I think she’ll come to the realization that she has it backwards. She doesn’t “love everybody” she “hates everybody” and should just leave it at that, bless her heart. Honestly, I can’t hate Mema. How can you hate a women that has come to realize that she’s so fucked up that at the end of the video she implores you to “pray for her”? l’ll pray for you, Mema! I’ll pray that you burn enough calories in that Cracker Barrel Rocker Scooter so that one day you’ll be able to get your ass through that front door and back into that house and whip up a spinach and egg white omelette, so that when you die of complications from diabetes, your kids don’t have to burn the house down to avoid the indignity of having her removed with a crane, with everyone watching. Eh, I ought not make fun of Mema. She isn’t the cause of the problem, she’s the result. Her leaders like her this way.  besides, you get the impression that if she were forced to explain her views at length, she’d probably end up talking herself into being a slightly bewildered Obama supporter.

* I‘ve spent a lot of time at the races. Not sure what happens “downstairs at the races”.

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