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CPAC Follies

Revulsion. Anathema. Degradation. Ignominy. It’s like the man said about obscenity: “I can’t define it, but I know it when I see it”. The sleazy Walmart Adidas track suits, the cheap, colonial powdered costume wigs, the rap pretentiousness, the finger-jabbing,  the entire frothy mix of white desperation for coolness, and its massive, massive, MASSIVE  fail. How the hell […]

day 3, CPAC

by kara on February 11, 2012

  Closeted, glorified internet troll as high on coke as he was in college when he “blew” through $23,000 inheritance.

day 2 at CPAC

by kara on February 10, 2012

They could just as easily have all dressed up like Dr Zaius in Planet of the Apes. It would make as much sense.

day 1 at CPAC

by kara on February 10, 2012

A ‘Conservative Comedian”. You know, intentionally funny, not the kind of crazy tea-bagger funny. His schtick about how we had to invade someone and Iraq drew the short straw got old after the first dozen times so he quips about air bags.