by kara on May 4, 2015

Some anti-Muslim extremists in garland, Texas were attacked by a couple of Muslim extremists yesterday, proving that America needs to take much more extreme measures to protect itself from Muslim extremists.Paid for by psychopath Pam Geller, her American Patriots and gun-toting jihadists. My only regret is that they all couldn’t be stuffed in a wormhole and sent on a one-way trip to Andromeda Galaxy. For that matter, the same goes for anyone who engages in the sort of religiously-motivated “my Skygod is bigger than your Skygod!” tripe that gets a lot of people killed to no good end. The arrogant and blatant disregard for the safety of others in this charade is disgusting. This is provocation, pure and simple. and I hope the family of the wounded cop sues the pants of off everyone responsible.

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