From The Griftosphere™

by kara on September 28, 2014

Sarah Palin’s internet teevee channel had her taking the opportunity to bitch at her political enemies, those unnamed dummies who failed her by not making her Veepee, and thus failed this once-great nation, in perhaps the clearest glimpse into Palin’s internal monologue ever seen:

Sometimes you have good candidates but they have GOP establishment, smooth-talkin’, knucklehead consultants as their advisors. We need to discourage good candidates from thinking that these, DC especially, advisors who are out of touch with, just, normal, everyday Americans, that these advisors know best. Especially advisors with really, really poor records.

They’re dumb, consultants, sometimes they’re dumb, and they almost always give horrible advice, I find. They try to shape and mold the candidate. Instead of letting a good candidate just be that good candidate, that got ‘em to where they are, well now, these advisors come in, y’know they come ridin’ in, what they want to have perceived as the white horse, and they’re gonna save this campaign, and in the meantime they screw up a lot of things.

So these consultants, I’m not impressed. and yet they keep gettin hired! They’re making hand over fist, they’re making big bucks off innocent contributors to candidates, to campaigns, not knowin’ that a lot of their money is going to these professional politicians, because they’re professional political consultants…well, that’s part of the problem. […] Again, we live and learn, and we come back stronger.

I assume that the DUMB McCain-Palin senior campaign adviser she speaks of is John McCain’s former tough-talking, Philadelphia accented campaign strategist Steve Schmidt—whose job it was –  before he became a RINO – to knowingly tell outrageous lies in attempts to try to manipulate an entire nation into electing Sarah Palin, some sort of hermetical and menacing Medusa character who figures prominently in the oral histories of the moose community.

Up in Wasilla, it is always the fall of 2008. Up in Wasilla, Sarah Palin is always on her way to ride in on a white moose and rescue John McCain’s awful campaign, if only those DUMB, DUMB advisers would get out of her way…. these DUMB Lone Ranger consultants, a-ridin’ around on horseback imposing their wishes on poor candidate victims an’ re-makin’ ’em against the candidates’ will – What? The hell you say, it’s the candidates who hire them???? Well, who’da thunk it?

Not to stand up for the professional campaign flacks and consultants, but it’s pretty fckng funny that since Sarah Palin became let loose she’s become even more of a ridiculous biddy than she was when McCain’s cartoonish campaign was trying to make it seem like she had passed 7th grade history, math and civics. Sarah. If you were such a good candidate and all that needed to be done is for you to be unfettered by the consultants shackles to “do your thing”, please explain your plummeted poll numbers that existed even before you got into the drunken snowbilly methbrawl of the century (the delightful chest-puffing display of the Common Arctic Grifter, such magnificence, such splendor. Used in courtship and dominance rituals to establish territory and affirm virility).

Take a look at what Sarah Palin has become without all those meddling DUMB political consultants — a shrill little voice in a dwindling preserve of Republican delusional evangelical apocalyptic hysteria who couldn’t even get her contract renewed by FOX fucking News, author of books on patriotism that rival Suzanne Somers’ volumes of poetry for intellectual rigor, an innovater in crowdfunded narcissim and ringmaster of her own travelling Jerry Springer show. No matter. The moose matriarch is on the downswing, but her offspring are almost all of grifting age, so soon they will be operating their own three-card monte games in the waiting room of the Wasilla Greyhound station.

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