From the monthly archives:

June 2013

Folks, if you want to vote, you better pull yourself up by the bootstraps, work hard and save! It appears that today the filthy hippies and Marxists have their lovebeads in a lather at the fringe-right corporate mouthpieces/unwanted court justices and their decision regarding the Voting Rights Act. I here I’ve been reading that Justice Roberts did […]

by kara on June 21, 2013

by kara on June 18, 2013

Journalist, author and McChrsytal Meth antagonizer, the gloriously handsome Michael Hastings, died in a car crash in Los Angeles. He was 33.

I am an Idiot.

by kara on June 17, 2013

  I am someone who does a lot of stupid things. I routinely get myself in hot water by blindly rushing into situations. My best friend said I am “attracted to primordial danger”. When I was still drinking and drugging, I did unbelievably and unspeakably stupid and dangerous things. But mostly, I just do stupid things. On […]

by kara on June 12, 2013